This moodtheme contains images from ALL 4 seasons of Bones.
Been working on and off on this moodtheme for over two years. I'm so happy to be done with it and be able to share it with all of you. :)
Some instructions/comments before you take and install:
1. Some of these have two or more versions for the same mood, namely: annoyed, blank, drunk, enthralled, horny, loved, restless, rushed, scared, sleepy, thankful, and working. This is because I couldn't decide which to use for the 'final' moodtheme, and because I was reluctant to just delete them. :P So you have the option to choose which version of these to use in your journal. IMPORTANT: Download the zip file, take a look at the pictures and pick the one you want to use. Delete the other one. If necessary, and AFTER you've deleted the ones you don't want, rename the mood you chose so that it WON'T contain any numbers. (For example, "annoyed2.png" -> "annoyed.png".)
2. Upload your custom moodtheme to a hosting site (ei.
Photobucket) and then follow the instructions on installing it to your LJ
- Episode caps from
bonesfansonline- S2 Blooper caps from Thanks to everyone who helped me with this thing. Yall know who you are. :)
- You take, you credit
- No hotlinking please
- Comments are love ♥
WATCH the community! :)