using photoshop cs2.
is translatable, i hope. xD
- new hue/saturation layer.
hue: +2
saturation: +20
- new curves layer.
RBG - point one: input: 80, output: 101
point two: input: 138, output: 168
- new colour balance layer.
shadows: 11, -3, -16
midtones: -17, -21, -9
highlights: -18, 0, 10
- duplicate the base, set it to overlay at 100% and, set it on top of colour balance layer.
- new colour fill layer with #07143F, set it to exclusion at 48%.
- new colour fill layer with #F5831F, set it to exclusion at 27%.
- new channel mixer layer.
red: 106, 6, -4, 0
green: -2, 110, 0, 0
blue: 8, 4, 108, 0
- finally, duplicate the base, set the layer to mutiply at 23% and, set it on top of the channel mixer layer.
other examples;
i'm sorry if this tutorial is too long. xD
and i forgot to make this tutorial a psd because i was in such a hurry. D;
comments are love~ ;D