125. Icons :: Supernatural Cartoons

Aug 26, 2006 16:52

note: please remember and respect the rules
always credit either ibejeska or ibedesign in the keywords

description: i've taken my sweet time to update this journal, and i'm sorry to those of you who care. i've been very anti-social lately, and haven't been too into the internet either. just so you guys know i AM working on all the stuff i said i would post. i'm ( Read more... )

supernatural, misc., tv, icons

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Comments 32

lostandalone22 August 27 2006, 00:01:55 UTC
Those are so original. It's really nice, and I've never seen anything like them. Good job.


ongiara August 27 2006, 00:09:03 UTC
The cutes thing ever and with a love for detail and character traits that amazes me.
11 - OMG, you rock!
10 - Sammy Scully, totally adorable
18 - ♥
16 - awesome
13 - damn right :)
01 - you even let him have his eye brow thing *flails*
Awesome job!!


ibejeska August 27 2006, 02:47:58 UTC
Haha thanks for noticing everything. It's takes alot to make these little buggers, and it's nice to know someone else can see the little details.


dhfreak August 27 2006, 00:50:22 UTC
These are brilliant...


_partlysunny_ August 27 2006, 02:58:16 UTC
These are so adorable, I love them. Hope you do more of other shows because these are fantastic.


sparkly_faerie August 27 2006, 08:54:00 UTC
Omg these are hilarious and adorable. Saving to mems straight away because I really can't decide which I want right now.
Can I just ask why #11? I don't remember a specific bit of an ep. with smelly!Dean.
Love #14 so cute and so true (Sammy's face is uber amusing - why so chubby?) and #24 - Deans doing 'his face' in the car!
So much love.
What a brilliant idea, can't wait for season 2 just to see what cartoons you'll come up with!


ibejeska August 27 2006, 09:01:29 UTC
Haha thanks!
#11 i think i made cause my little brother's fav part of the pilot was dean jumping into the river when sam's hanging off the bridge.
#14 sam's face is supposed to be tilted up, that's why it's more fat than in the other pictures. [haven't quite figured out how to draw perspective with these fat little dudes.]
& yea #23 & 24 are my favs just cause the car was so awesome.

Thanks again for your compliments!


sparkly_faerie August 27 2006, 09:06:55 UTC
Aah so more Wet!Dean than Smelly!Dean, ok *lol*.
*LOL* It looks like Sam has a double chin, but I think the whole problem with perspective with 2D cartoons adds to the charm.
No problem, credit where credit's due :)


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