May 14, 2008 00:38

Spoileriffic, obv.

American Idol )

gossip girl, american idol

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Comments 7

vibrantsarcasm May 14 2008, 14:09:16 UTC
Whoa, I am sensing some hardcore Smallville hate in this post! LOL ( ... )


iamtheliquorr May 15 2008, 00:19:30 UTC
Dude, no worries about rambling. I do it all the time. :p

I wouldn't say I hate SV so much as I like mocking it, lol. IMO, hating implies bitterness or anger or general bad feelings, but I actually enjoy the cheesy awfulness of SV. I'm the same way about Twilight. It's hard to explain, but I just sort of embrace the badness until it becomes goodness. OK, that made no sense. But I can't think of any other way to explain it. :p


vibrantsarcasm May 15 2008, 16:34:57 UTC
You know, I just finally broke down and read Twilight and New Moon. I don't know, it is so cheesy and cutesy and stuff, but I'm oddly addicted to it. I read some of it and I'm like no one would react like that! Or say something so lame like that! But I can't help but continue reading.


xlivvielockex May 14 2008, 17:23:14 UTC
I am with you 100% on your feelings on Gossip Girl. Dan was acting totally out of character and basically being a douche. It just didn't make sense at all that after pining over Serena for so long, he would just go hook up with Georgina. What happened to sweet and understanding Dan?

And the murder, gah, what a total let down. I was hoping it was something where Serena blacked out and woke up with a gun and a dead body. Now THAT would have been interesting. Georgina setting her up like that to always have something to blackmail her with. Awesomesauce!

Vanessa, I have no opinion on her. Her and Nate are like two characters I could do without. Captain Cardboard has no real storyline and she is edgy for the sake of being edgy. Boring.

I looooooooove Chuck and Blair and Chuck/Blair. Chuck's been my fave since the get go. Just the way he carries himself. He totally doesn't care, he does what he wants. I love that. I can't wait to see what he does to Georgina! Actually, I can't wait to see what they all do!


iamtheliquorr May 15 2008, 00:38:30 UTC
Oh man, my Chuck love is growing by the day. In the beginning I was all about the Dan and Serena but lately I find myself more interested in Chuck and Blair.

Nate is really bland in the books, too, although the show has diverted so far from the books by now that I'm not sure that's a valid reason anymore. As for Vanessa, in the books she's this tomboy with a shaved head who lives with her rocker sister.


surrexi May 14 2008, 23:32:01 UTC
After reading the VFTW recaps and your notes on Archie, I almost wish I *did* know the Chris Brown song so that I would better understand the laughable horribleness of his performance instead of only being able to wince at the awkwardness.

I have found Syesha to be better in the last few weeks than she was for the first three-quarters of the competition, and I did think her performance of "Fever" was actually all right. But then, I love that song specifically because it is so perfect for cheesy vampiness, lol.

I will admit that David Cook's version of "Dare You to Move" was a bit uneven, but dude. My love for him grew exponentially just because he picked it in the first place. I like power ballads for the most part, and I did enjoy the first song. Simon definetely wins the picking-songs contest. I was also impressed with his last song, which I think is possibly one of the cheesiest power ballads ever written. I mean, I like power ballads and I like that song, but sometimes I just can't listen to it, lol.

The arrangement was ( ... )


iamtheliquorr May 15 2008, 00:24:39 UTC
I actually didn't know the Chris Brown song, either (although I know some other songs of his). While I was watching, I was just like, bawkward! I was chatting with my friend at the time, and she told me it was Chris Brown. Then I started picturing Archie trying to dance and sing R&B songs about his boo and whatnot and then the lulz just came from there. Oh God, now I have this urge to draw Archie all blinged out and serenading his boo... *sits on hands*

IA about Simon. Definitely the best song-picker. :)

Re:ETA: I know, I am evil. :p But isn't that site crack? You just keep clicking and clicking.


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