Private Practice, Addison/Sam, Romance, Prompt #19 - Surprise

Apr 03, 2011 13:37

'Enchanted' An Addisam Drabble Series.
Master List Here

Title: Morning Coffee 
Author:  iam_kelly   
Fandom: Private Practice
Characters/Pairing: Addison/Sam
Table: Romance
Prompt: #19 - Surprise  
Rating: PG
Word Count: 300

Addison yawned as she poured herself and Sam some coffee from his machine, she ran a hand through her messy hair and adjusted the white shirt she had picked up from the floor beside his bed, her legs feeling a little cold, she frowned when she heard the doorbell ring, she moved to the door and opened it, standing slightly behind it to shield her.

“Hello Addison” Marilyn Bennett said with a polite smile.

“Ma…Marilyn, hi” Addison stuttered “I um….I didn’t know you were coming”

“I called Sam two days ago” Marilyn said simply.

“Oh well uh, come in, I, I’ll just go and get him” Addison let Marilyn into the house, instantly noticing Marilyn taking in her attire “Take a seat and I’ll be right back” Addison said with a small smile, she quickly ran up the stairs and stormed into the bedroom.

“Hey bab….”

“Your mother is here” Addison hissed “Your mother is here and the first time she meets me as your girlfriend I’m wearing nothing but my panties and your shirt! And she tells me you knew she was coming!”

“Urm…surprise?!” Sam said sheepishly.

“I am going to kill you” Addison growled, hitting him with a pillow.

“Relax Addie, my Mom loves you”

“She loved me when I was Naomi’s best friend”

“And she loves you even more now you’re the woman who makes her son happy” he said softly “Forgive me?”

“I don’t know” Addison pouted.

“Forgive me” Sam said pulling her onto his lap “I’ll make it up to you”

“You’re not getting anywhere near me until she’s gone, you get that right?” she smirked.

“I guess” he mumbled.

“And if this goes wrong, I’m blaming you”

“I know” he nodded “You get changed, I’ll go downstairs, I love you”

“You’re still in trouble!”

author: iam_kelly, drabble123, fanfic: private practice, pairing: addison/sam

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