(FF) Built on Sand

Dec 20, 2012 14:01

Disclaimer: Grimm is the property of NBC, Hazy Mills Production, CK Production and a lot of others. Nothing mine, only the idea.
A/N: Thanks to yamiinsane123 for the help, especially because she doesn't know anything about Grimm :). You are my brave heroine!
A/N II: This one is for tinnny. I hope it's at least a little bit like what you were looking for :)

What was he doing here? Why did he return?

Breathing heavily, Sean looked around trying to ignore where he was.

'Stop thinking this way!' He ordered himself.

But … whatever Adalind had done to him, he couldn't resist. The harder he tried to ignore, the harder the obsession was hitting him, sometimes straight in the face.

She was so … beautiful! So intelligent, so passionate, so …

Sean balled his fists and and ordered his mind to stop thinking about her again but, again, to no avail.

Don't think about this! He ordered himself to do. But it was simply impossible.

Everywhere he went, his home, his office, the streets, he just couldn't stop thinking about her. Especially whether she would like or hate something new.

When he would reveal himself to her, if he would tell her … maybe she already knew?

Another memory of her came to the surface and he almost lost the battle to push it back down to where he felt it belonged in his head.

He tried so hard to ignore what happened to him, what happened to her.

Maybe Catherine had done something wrong with this potion she gave to him. He already mentioned those lumps to her but she couldn't answer him anymore.

Adalind! Whatever she did, she did it perfectly, perfidiously, precicely.

Had Adalind really thought about him when she let her cat scratch Juliette?

A pure heart … well, his heart was everything but pure.

Looking around, Sean's eyes fell upon the photo on top of the dresser. 'She got a new frame for the picture.' he realized as his head fell in sadness knowing he could never have her, and why should he? She belonged to Nick!

Damned Nick! All Grimm should better be extinct long time ago. They were some remnants from a time, long gone now.

Sean told himself off. What did he think? Nick Burkhardt was a fine man … well, before his inheritage began.

But Sean did his best to hold Nick back in Portland, to bring him here just before the son of Kelly Burkhardt became what he was now. To own a Grimm was a privilege. A Grimm was useful, especially for someone like Sean. To wish him dead now was … Sean took a deep breath, staring at the photo.

Continuing to stare at the photo, Sean could tell he was stronger than any spell anyone could use on him but why couldn't he deal with this? He had to! But the first kiss had been his undoing. 'Damn it Adalind!' Sean thought, 'Nick why did you have to let her live when you should've killed her with her Hexenbiest!' Sean's thoughts continued, but he knew why Nick left her alive and that thought made him hate the reason even more.

Nick wasn't like any usual Grimm, and Sean always thought that this was a good thing. 'Maybe one day I'll reveal myself to Nick and get his allegience then take revenge for what he had lost then...' Just before he could continue with this line of thought her eyes flashed before his minds eye and all trails of thought were gone. How can he deal with this spell? How can she do this? He was told that there was some attraction but that couldn't be! He barely knew her!

But her eyes let all his thoughts vanish.

How he could deal with this? How she could deal with this?

What this guy at the Spice-Shop told him? There had to be an attraction before? No! No way! He'd barely knew her before this damned spell, how he …

Another memory flew into his mind. That night when Siegbarste beat Nick into the hospital, he was with her there when they were speaking to the doctor, last year. There she was, in his minds eye, so brave, so sorrowful, so... wonderful! 'NO! I must not keep doing this!' Sean berated himself for getting lost in the memory.

Sean did his best to ignore this memory.

Another memory crashed into his mind: the yearly police picnic. He remembered that she cooked something, perhaps it was those sliders that she made. They were so delicious, so... 'STOP!' Sean ordered his mind. He wasn't supposed to fawn over her like a lost puppy, he was supposed to find a way to end the spell that Adalind put over them both. Adalind... That damn little witch! Why didn't Nick kill her when he had the chance!

Sean moaned but finally … he gave in. Again, like so many times before.

He couldn't resist, as hard he'd tried, as hard the spell was hitting him.

He was a Royal, he should fight this spell! He should be able to stand above it!

But he didn't. He … couldn't.

Finally noticing that he had approached the dresser, Sean looked down and noticed that one of the drawers was open. Knowing that the silken clothes belonged to Juliette, his hands couldn't stop shaking when he lowered one of his hands to the fabric. Leaning over a little more, he took in a deep breath, her smell in the air. Sean closed his eyes to revell in the scent. 'She is wonderful.'

He couldn't fight anymore, but he also couldn't give in.

As he opened his eyes, he grabbed a piece of cloth from the drawer. Maybe this little piece of cloth could keep him safe from going insane until he could find a way to end this spell. He knew he had to try but he also knew it was much easier to give in.

fanfic, grimm, christmas

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