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Comments 8

FINALLY! witchymom3 April 22 2011, 07:13:55 UTC
I was reading this on my phone in the middle of the night because I couldn't wait. I squealed so loud when we saw Logan that I woke my youngest up and that sucked because I had to stop reading and get him a glass of water! LOL Anyway, this was absolutely amazing! I am truly shocked by your talent. You pulled so many worlds together flawlessly and not many people can do that. You have to know by now that The Face is my favorite verse and will continue to be. I can't wait to see what drabbles and timestamps you come up with next. Thank you for this story!


Re: FINALLY! hunters_retreat April 22 2011, 07:20:08 UTC
*hugs* I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I was really worried after I started writing this. I mean, the Face is awesome and I love writing it, but to do something this big with it??? It's not what I ever really intended to do, but there I was in need of an apocabb story and it came to me. I loved writing it, but I wasn't sure if Face fans would like it as much as I did :P

*hugs* Sorry about your youngest :P Though I'll totally take that as a compliment!

And no worries.. there is still plenty more Face verse to tell. After all, I have new characters to play with :P


deadflowers5 April 22 2011, 12:21:43 UTC
What an interesting pairs! I'll read it ASAP!


hunters_retreat April 25 2011, 06:50:17 UTC
LOL! Hope you enjoy it when you get around to it!


I love you mr_mrs_faxsea April 22 2011, 18:18:14 UTC

Oh oh oh! Face!!! So many chapters!
There goes my weekend *big happy grin*

mrs F


Re: I love you hunters_retreat April 25 2011, 06:50:41 UTC
ROFL! I knew you'd enjoy seeing this! Hope you got a chance to read it!


alldunn April 23 2011, 02:25:15 UTC
Wait, you're dealing with Sam! Reading, reading now!


hunters_retreat April 25 2011, 06:51:15 UTC
ROFL! Yep, when I decided to do this as the apocabigbang I knew I needed to tackle Sam and his problems! Hope you enjoy!


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