Nothing Else Matters

Feb 22, 2011 01:45

Series Title: Nothing Else Matters
Author: hunters_retreat
Pairing: Mary/John, Sam/Dean
Rating: NC-17 (eventually)
Warning: Underage sex (Sam will be 14)
Summary: Au.  When Dean is 10, tragedy strikes his family in the form of a fire that takes away his mother and little brother.  He and his father take to the highway, never looking back, and always looking for the thing that killed them.  Or so he thought.  When a familiar woman shows up on a hunt though, it brings back memories Dean had long since buried.  Looking into his past will only give him more questions.  Like who was that mystery woman?  What happened the night he and his father left Lawrence?  And who do you trust when even family can't be trusted?

Nothing Else Matters
He was going to take her away from it all, the hurting, the hunting, the lies.  She had no idea how wrong she was.

Lip Gloss
No matter what anyone else said, his wife was a real hellcat and he loved that about her.

Baby Steps
His hands were reaching out for Dean and Dean was smiling like a loon, his arms reaching just as hard for him though he didn’t move forward.

For his boys, he’d do anything.

He let himself wonder what it would be like to have Sam there with him, to have his eight year old brother following him around the way he had two years before.

Taking His Life Back
His life was a lie.

verse: nothing else matters, *fanfic: supernatural, genre: slash, au, pre-stanford era, master post, genre: het, warning: underage

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