Title: Trying Too Late
Length: One shot
Pairing: YunJae (one sided), Jaemin
Rating: PG
Summary: It's better to have loved and lost, then never to have loved at all. Yunho thinks that whoever believes those words, can go screw themselves.
A/N: Pure angst. First time I've ended on a sad note... it's weird. It's short. Enjoy^^
A true leader treats his members equally, what does that make Yunho? )
Comments 16
I feel sorry for Yunho, but I don't. ^^
His sad tale is getting loved by JaeMin fans =P
Thanks for reading^^
but yeah Jae is with CM so...don't wait to tell your feelings next time Yun or you'll be too late ^^"
Yay for JaeMin. A pairing that shows its love phyically... =D
Thanks for reading^^
Thanks for reading^^
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