Title: The Best Part
Words: 100
Rating: G
Other characters/pairings: none
Warnings: none
Author’s Notes: This was the second idea I had for this prompt. The first idea can be found
here. It's a bit longer and a lot different from this one.
"You ready?" He asked her, the smile that graced his lips lighting his face to an ethereal quality.
She grinned softly and swung one leg over the wood. The broom quietly bopped in the air, waiting patiently to be hopped on.
She grabbed hold of the broom and waited for Harry to hop behind her and encircle his arms around her waist. They kicked off the castle grounds and went soaring into the rainbow sky. The sun peeked out from the horizon and the wind swept through their hair and cooled their cheeks.
This was the best part of flying.