Title: Autumn Chaos Pairing: Luna/Pansy Rating: PG-13 Disclaimer: HP is not mine. Summary: Luna thinks Pansy needs to relax. Notes: Thanks to atdelphi for beta reading and helpful suggestions.
Funny, each of us wrote for the other! Maybe there weren't that many femslash sign-ups to go around. :)
Anyway, I love this! The idea of Luna picking out individual leaves is so sweetly, weirdly her. And of course Pansy would be worried about her hair. :D This put a big grin on my face, thank you so much for writing it for me.
Comments 15
Anyway, I love this! The idea of Luna picking out individual leaves is so sweetly, weirdly her. And of course Pansy would be worried about her hair. :D This put a big grin on my face, thank you so much for writing it for me.
Very sweet!
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