Title: A Little Faith
acidpop25Rating: PG ish
Prompt: 12, Faith
Date: 07/01/06
Pairing(s): Harry/Percy
Warning: none
Summary: The whole house is restless, breathless, waiting.
The whole house is restless, breathless, waiting. Mum is cooking, the twins are sitting nearly still but fidgeting, anxious. Ron paces, and Hermione stares at a book and never turns the page. Ginny is curled into a disconsolate ball on the couch; Luna perches on the arm beside her, worrying a smooth stone between his fingers. Tonks in playing tic-tac-toe against herself while Remus makes himself watch; Kingsley and Moody whisper in the corner. We're all holding our breath.
Who knows what's happening out there? Who in Merlin's name thought this was a good idea?
Harry, that's who.
"Harry, please, take someone with you..." Even if it's not me.
"I can't put anyone else in that kind of danger, Perce..."
"Be selfish for once." The words are out of my mouth before I can think them through.
He sighs. "No, Percy. Not even for you."
"Harry, I'm-"
"Shh, I know."
"How do I know.... that.... that you're coming back?"
He kisses me (one last time?) and murmurs, "You've just got to have a little faith."
"I love you, Harry."
"I love you too, Perce." A soft kiss pressed to my forehead. "Wait up for me?"
So I wait.