Jan 01, 2012 14:33

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Now that it's 2012 and we're all nursing hangovers, what better to cheer us up than a round of kinky shenanigans all around? And for those of us that are still waiting for midnight (is there anywhere in the world that is not in 2012 yet?), what better to kill time with than filling kinky prompts to our heart's content? And those of ( Read more... )

all pairs kink i

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Fill: Remus/Regulus: Ties Tied Tighter part 1/2 (insertion) anonymous January 5 2012, 16:50:43 UTC
They dared Remus to filch and wear a Slytherin House tie with dire consequences if he failed. They didn't tell him whose or how to get it. Remus used his intitiative. He was good at that.

He sidled up to Regulus Black, younger brother of his fellow Marauder, and with his most predatory stare said "Hey." Then he walked away. Regulus couldn't keep his eyes of Remus all day. Phase one was complete.


Lupin fixed the knot in his tie (which did not need fixing as Regulus had been tying perfect ties from the age of five, he'd have you know) and stared at him again. "Hey," Regulus said. If his voice was a little huskier than normal, well that was hardly his fault. Lupin must have made the fresh knot too tight. And if his knees wibbled a little it was because his evil older brother was scowling menacingly ( ... )


Re: Fill: Remus/Regulus: Ties Tied Tighter part 2/2 (insertion) anonymous January 5 2012, 16:54:02 UTC
Regulus squirmed face-down on his brother's bed in the Gryffindor dormitory, humping the covers as Remus used his fingers to poke more of the tie's length into his arse ( ... )


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Re: Fill: Remus/Regulus: Ties Tied Tighter part 2/2 (insertion) anonymous January 6 2012, 00:10:58 UTC
Hope this wasn't too disappointing. There's a lot of tie stuff (mostly H/D which doesn't do it for me personally) and I tried to avoid the tropes.
That will stop Padfoot double-dog daring Moony to do anything in future.
Remus didn't have as much fun acquiring the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff ties. He just leered at selected students while wearing Reg's tie and they handed them over. Reg would have gone all vendetta on his arse otherwise.


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