He looks sharply at her a moment. He was on his way to see David but she'll hear of it soon enough. So wordlessly, he hands her the envelope he's been clutching, as they've turned down the hall for the Royals' offices anyway and it was more or less deserted as it was
( ... )
"Clearly." There is never enough intel whether military, bratva or Deck. "Either way our attention is divided when it needs to be most focused. Fortuitous for someone." She cannot shake the feeling that the one is connected to the other, but tunnel vision makes mistakes. Julien is correct. They need information.
She finishes the report then hands the packet back to Julien. Victor is out of commission. She distrusts Ethan's hot head. Julien, of course, but that would put the Spades down an effective leader. "Who do you suggest?"
"I suppose there are a few options. Perhaps Delilah," if she was ready to actually prove she was capable of managing such tasks again. "Or I know of a few lower Numbers who'd like the opportunity to prove themselves."
He shrugged, "or even the Jack." Sieben was certainly capable of discretion, after all. Though he wouldn't want to leave before his little experiments were finished, Julien was sure.
A choice that is no choice. Their Jack, who is not effective fighter, or the woman known to be derelict in her duties. David's favorites, perhaps. Not hers. "Meghana is still dealing with the Andrea situation. Seraphina has the training. Oliver, but he is attached to the Arcana." Eli if he had not proven an addict.
She blows a wisp of hair from her eyes. None of them was a Julien, and he was needed here. "I could go."
"Oh yes," he said, barely refraining from rolling his eyes. "Because we should prove ourselves as idiotic as certain other," red, "Suits and send one of our Royals into an uncertain and dangerous situation."
"Julien. I had no idea you cared." Yet it is type of mission she has handled before.
"Always you insist on keeping fun to yourself." Her tone remains light even though her face remains grave. "I thought of you first. But you we can afford to lose even less than myself." She is new. Their Spades would roll with the hit. The loss of Ace or King? Would be devastating.
"It is maddening. This is type of work suited for Jack. He can no doubt ferret out information, but what will he do if things turn sour?"
"It's not about you personally, your highness." He said, flatly, "but the simple fact that you are Queen now." If she were still a Ten, he'd probably have already sent her off to deal with it. But alas, she isn't.
But he'll also flash her a momentary smirk at her comment on his irreplaceibility. Oh, Katya, he had no idea you cared, either.
"I suppose he could poke them with a needle...." Julien said idly.
That catches her off guard, her snort quickly concealed by a cough. They should see to providing further combat training. Perhaps Urania would consent. She and the Jack were friends.
"I know I cannot be rabbiting off to investigate. I am merely frustrated. Do we know whether Rachel has been drawn to Diamond outposts because of similar incursions?"
And Elisha is here. Better to get intel from him than deal with Alexander. She slants a wry look Julien's way. "I will speak to Ceiro. At least that way I am doing something."
"I concur. It is far too convenient. But is this feint to draw our attention or actual attack?"
So at some point in the very near future, he'd be paying a visit to their new head of security.
She finishes the report then hands the packet back to Julien. Victor is out of commission. She distrusts Ethan's hot head. Julien, of course, but that would put the Spades down an effective leader. "Who do you suggest?"
He shrugged, "or even the Jack." Sieben was certainly capable of discretion, after all. Though he wouldn't want to leave before his little experiments were finished, Julien was sure.
She blows a wisp of hair from her eyes. None of them was a Julien, and he was needed here. "I could go."
"You'd do better sending me."
"Always you insist on keeping fun to yourself." Her tone remains light even though her face remains grave. "I thought of you first. But you we can afford to lose even less than myself." She is new. Their Spades would roll with the hit. The loss of Ace or King? Would be devastating.
"It is maddening. This is type of work suited for Jack. He can no doubt ferret out information, but what will he do if things turn sour?"
But he'll also flash her a momentary smirk at her comment on his irreplaceibility. Oh, Katya, he had no idea you cared, either.
"I suppose he could poke them with a needle...." Julien said idly.
"I know I cannot be rabbiting off to investigate. I am merely frustrated. Do we know whether Rachel has been drawn to Diamond outposts because of similar incursions?"
Though perhaps Katya should talk to the Hearts since Julien's distaste for them, and particularly their King, was rather well known.
That was sort of like saying thank you for taking the task he disliked, wasn't it?
So nice to be on the same page.
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