dean-centric fic & art meme #8

Oct 05, 2013 07:12

So that fantastic, all-expenses-paid weekend getaway you had planned--you cancelled that, right? You're ready for this? BECAUSE I AM READY FOR THIS. MY BODY IS READY FOR THIS. In anticipation of S9, let's pour some chum in the waters. Bring on the Dean!pain (and comfort!). >:D

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!!mod post, .comment meme

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blissed_bess October 5 2013, 12:21:56 UTC
Sam/Dean. Dean's new prosthetic leg is causing him more pain than the original amputation, not that he wants Sam to know... Bonus points for carried!Dean :)


Re: FILLED: Carry that Weight 2 kalliel October 6 2013, 14:48:59 UTC
Not at problem at all, bb! You are welcome at whatever time, in whatever capacity, whenever you want. YOU WILL ALWAYS HAVE A HOME HERE. (I woke up this morning thinking about how many old faces had cropped up for the meme, and how it felt like some kind of big holiday family reunion and GOT DREADFULLY EMOTIONAL ABOUT THIS FACT before 7 AM.) I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOUUUUU TOOOOOOOO.


redheadforever November 11 2013, 10:52:28 UTC
ROQUE!!! *does Happy Gimpy Dance just for you ( ... )


Re: FILLED: Carry that Weight 1 geckoholic October 6 2013, 15:08:22 UTC
I'll read this later (sick and can't appreciate its existence properly right now) BUT OMG ROGUE HELLLLLLOOOOO!!!! ♥


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