Welcome to Term 37! I'm Megan|Mikkel //
mahmfic and I will be your mod for this term.
A few things: be sure to tag your entries, and include your name/house/points outside the cut. Sigtags are also allowed here, but please keep them to platform standards (or smaller). Also, I'd like everyone to feel free to leave me comments, ideas, and suggestions in this post. If there's something you're confused about, or that's not working for you, or you just have an idea, that's what this post is for. Alternatively, you can contact me via any of the methods below.
Where you can find me:
Megan|Mikkel //
mahmfic //
PM my personal acct or
PM mod acctHI Email:
emailMy Email:
emailMy Tumblr:
tumblr Comments are screened.
Sorry this is so late. I got access to the community not long ago.