
Jun 05, 2008 18:55

I hate cops.

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Comments 5

psychoticlyrics June 6 2008, 08:38:28 UTC
I hate getting eaten by velociraptors in the kitchen!!!! AHHH!


hoglo729 June 6 2008, 20:37:20 UTC
lol but they didn't get eaten, they escaped somehow even though they should have gotten eaten. no way were those children faster than raptors.


pinkpenguin109 June 6 2008, 16:32:54 UTC
what happened?


hoglo729 June 6 2008, 20:36:33 UTC
stupid shit. i barely didn't stop fully at a stop sign half way up lyford and a cop was hiding and caught me and kept referring to the incident as me running a stop sign even though it totally wasn't like that, I just didn't come to a complete stop. so i got my first ticket the same time that i was pulled over for the first time. yuck.


pinkpenguin109 June 8 2008, 18:45:13 UTC
aw i'm sorry! that sucks. i've gotten like a million speeding tickets so i'm numb to the pain of stupid cops.


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