
Nov 22, 2008 02:36

(What? It cheers me up! And all those hours spent on youtube have to be worth *something*...)

These cats are ugly, but the video absolutely kills me. Keep your attention on the left one's head/face.


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Comments 3

svilleficrecs November 22 2008, 01:50:46 UTC
Hee. Left one looks like its father was a muppet, and they both look like someone let a two year old w/ a weed whacker cut their hair.


Yeah, I know! hmpf November 27 2008, 23:13:19 UTC
But that kind of only makes the vid funnier, doesn't it?

The muppet look really fits the facial expression of Lefthand!Cat as it is tackled. I love how the cat really has that cartoon character expression of surprise on its face... Didn't really think that was possible, with real cats! *g*


kazbaby November 22 2008, 02:29:50 UTC
Ha! The one on the left looks like an Ewok!


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