First, let me apologize...

Jun 25, 2006 01:15

for posting so much, and mostly so much useless stuff recently. I don't know why I do it. Maybe it relieves the stress; or maybe I'm just making up for the Lost Year or something. Anyway, I'm sorry I'm sort of spamming your flists at the moment. I'm sure it's only a phase. I hope you haven't all moved me to the 'too many posts, don't read' filter ( Read more... )


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Comments 7

amonitrate June 25 2006, 00:35:02 UTC
hmm. I rarely have this problem. Every so often, but not in the last few months.


ithildyn June 25 2006, 00:56:01 UTC
I always think that there aren't enough posts on LJ to read, so post away [g]


em_kellesvig June 25 2006, 01:51:53 UTC
Not to worry! Keep posting away!!


nick_101 June 25 2006, 04:39:11 UTC
I don't think LJ has been loading slow most of the time. It rarely happens.


ommadon June 25 2006, 07:44:55 UTC
I've not seen it. Are you using some crazy German proxy service or something?


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