We Watched Meteor Garden

Jul 19, 2006 15:56

So I got to see snippets of Meteor Garden today during Chinese class and .... it's kinda... hmm... yeah. Since it was all cut/paste together, a lot of the shots were absolutely random. Vic & Barbie are the pending couple and I think who ever plays Da Ming Szu is funny. Though after a while, you're like ... they use... Nerf-like squirt guns to ( Read more... )

s: meteor garden, 3: drama

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Comments 2

youkosiren July 20 2006, 02:33:15 UTC
The Japanese HYD drama is SO GOOD. So cheesy XD


hisaya_him3ko July 20 2006, 23:13:34 UTC
I've heard ^^ so I want to see it, but first I have to wait for my own computer to be connected to the internet. *sighs* I wonder when that will be.


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