City of Glass-Paul Auster

Apr 01, 2008 18:39

City of Glass starts out with an author of mystery novels mistakenly receiving a call for a detective named Paul Auster. He ignores it at first, but soon takes on the persona of Paul Auster and takes the case. It changes his life and his commitment to the case and the wellbeing of the couple that hired him ends up taking over his existence.

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Comments 6

psychlops April 2 2008, 22:16:06 UTC
I read it as a part of the entire City of Glass trilogy and REALLY enjoyed it. If your brain doesn't absolutely reject the idea, I would read the whole trilogy (it's not very long, the entire thing is one modest-sized paperback). The three stories (I guess you can call them stories, though they are not so in the traditional sense perhaps) inform one anothers' interpretation, and they are all the more interesting for it.


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