Hello, 2016!

Jan 01, 2016 15:21

Happy New Year!

And it's time for Yuletide reveals!!

And I wrote:

and these lips, I just can’t hold back for (2188 words) for linaerys
Fandom: Magic Mike XXL
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: None
Characters: Rome, Paris, Mike, Big Dick Richie, Tarzan
Pairings: Rome/Paris
Summary: While attending Big Dick Richie’s wedding as Mike's plus one, Rome sees Paris and reminisces about when they first met.

Whoo, my first femslash in years! Not that I've written a lot of femslash but this was a lot of fun to write. It was kind of a pleasant surprise to get a femslash prompt from this fandom which is full of hunky guys who like to take their clothes off.

And a big shout out to Shoshanna Gold for writing me A Touchable Dream.

This entry was originally posted at http://hildigunnur.dreamwidth.org/550248.html. Comment there or here.

yuletide, my writing, me

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