01. The moving has begun. Remember how I mentioned before we weren't going to be able to get into the rental until Thursday night but we had to be out of our house by Friday morning? Well, we are being STEALTH by sneaking in with small boxes a day earlier than we were suppose to. But come on, they expect us to move EVERYTHING within 24 hours? Pssht. Ain't gonna happen lol. Still, we have a U-haul the size of a small country and have been packing it full of boxes (and packing boxes as we go *cough me cough*) all night. So let me just say: Manual labor? Not for me. It's times like these I really miss Brandon. (Damn National Guard for choosing this week for his Iraq-training). Last time we moved (back in the good old days), I sat on my ass and ate Cherrios while he moved my boxes for me. *siigh* It was a good system lol.
02. Speaking off... it's official. Brandon is getting sent to Iraq by the end of the month. He went back for special training last week and when he gets back he should have 3-5 days before they send him overseas. I've cried and bawled and I've decided I'm over it. I'm not dealing, I'm repressing. Therefore, this is the last you are going to hear about it and we are most definately not going to talk about it.
03. I'm actually excited about tommorrow. We're having a pep rally (which I don't do) so me, Brianne, and Bryn (if you don't remember - Brianne's the best friend, Bryn's her twin sister who I'm also close to) are leaving early to grab some lunch, and then we're meeting back at the school to make posters for KET's latest fundrasier (*gags a little*). Also, I haven't been to school for a full week in months (thanks to bowling championships, snow days, national holidays, and sick days) and plan on continuing with this tradition by skipping Friday's classes to move. *is excited*
04. I won't be online for the next 24-48 hours. I'll be waiting (very impatiently) for the Comcast dumbasses to install my shiny new internet in my shiny new (HUGE) room in the shiny new rental house. (Pictures to follow)
Hey Ms. Hilton by Penfifteen Club: This song amuses me to no end for some reason, though I haven't really figured out what that reason is yet. Hmph.