Title: Identity, not conformity.
nearlyconsciousHouse Category: Ravenclaw
Summary: This Ravenclaw's uniform includes a hijab, and if you engage her about it with the assumption that hijab is oppressive, she will smack you with wit and wisdom, most likely in a creative manner, like the true Ravenclaw she is.
NB: I am not a hijabi nor a Muslim myself, but I felt like providing some representation for them would be nice -- diversity is one of my primary concerns as a fanartist. Here is a blog post I really like about the hyper-visibility of the hijab. I really suggest questioning your assumptions if you haven't already done so!
Characters/Pairings: Ravenclaw OC
Genre: gen
Rating: G
(Highlight to View) Warning(s): None..
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Delphine/Claw/20 points