I'm alive!

Sep 26, 2012 00:59

Hello all! I apologise for my recent absence from LJ. Barring my regular update of Lightning Clan (which is enough of a priority that I even manage it when I'm very busy), I've not been around for a good couple of weeks. I have neglected Supernatural, fanfiction, my original fiction projects, my lovely and appropriate timetable wot I made, and even ( Read more... )

obsession: books/reading, fandom: supernatural, fanfiction: about, reaction: boom, real life: university, event: nanowrimo, fandom: hunger games, livejournal, reaction: squee, is: procrastination, sanity, tidying up, real life: odd happenings, show: matilda

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Comments 7

jakuako September 26 2012, 03:20:55 UTC
YOU READ HUNGER GAMES! Did you love it? Did you hate it? Or, if you're like me, did you love and hate it? I'll just say now that the movie is great. Not like those instances when the film makes a complete mockery of a good book. *Cough*Eragon*cough* xD

Anyway, I'm glad you're getting busy again. Life is so much nicer when you're busy. :) Keep having fun! <3


hermitknut September 26 2012, 09:19:52 UTC
I enjoyed it, I did :D I felt that it wasn't as predictable as it could have been, and I loved the universe. I'll definitely catch the film at some point - the trailer looks good and a number of people have recommended it. :)

It is much nicer, and I intend to! Damn Lazy Hazel :P



heavenli24 September 26 2012, 06:00:46 UTC

I was wondering where you’d got to :).

Matilda the Musical sounds cool (I didn’t know they’d even made a musical of it!)… I’m going to see The Lion King in Bristol on Saturday (although having seen it on Broadway for my 21st, not sure how it will measure up) :).

Sounds like you’ve got a lot going on at uni at the moment - hope you have a great year :).

You’re doing NaNo this year too? I did it for the first time last year and have decided to sign up for it again this year :).

Looking forward to the SPN review :).

- How is everyone? Who's back at uni/college? Is anyone doing their first September out of education? That'll be me next year, it's going to be strange. Do drop by to say hello in the comments :)I’m just coming to the end of my 12-week science research placement at company HQ, so I’ll be back at my normal workplace again on Monday, but that also means back to day/night shifts again (I’m currently rostered to work 58 hours next week ( ... )


hermitknut September 26 2012, 09:27:55 UTC
Matilda the Musical sounds cool (I didn’t know they’d even made a musical of it!)… THEY HAVE. Do you like Tim Minchin? He wrote the music. It's fabulous! *claps delightedly*

I haven't seen The Lion King yet, definitely on my list. I hope you have a great time!

Yep, I'm doing NaNo. This one will be my fourth - I started in my first year of uni. This one will be the first one that I'm not writing Lightning Clan (my Harry Potter fanfiction), and actually writing original fic though. What are you doing?

I love that video! *cackles* Love Jared sitting their looking increasingly concerned, it's hilarious. :D

Right, I must post! SPNNNNNNNN. Season eight approaches, and I have some serious catching up to do... query, how do you usually watch SPN? When it's airing, I mean. Do you just wait for a UK arrival, or do you find some other way?



heavenli24 September 26 2012, 17:38:05 UTC
- THEY HAVE. Do you like Tim Minchin? He wrote the music. It's fabulous! *claps delightedly*

I haven't seen much of Tim Minchin, unfortunately, but it sounds cool :).

- Yep, I'm doing NaNo. This one will be my fourth - I started in my first year of uni. This one will be the first one that I'm not writing Lightning Clan (my Harry Potter fanfiction), and actually writing original fic though. What are you doing?

I haven't decided yet - I might just see what comes out when I start writing, although at the moment my plan is to get started on the SPN fic I've been planning. Part of me wants to maybe try something original though.

- I love that video! *cackles* Love Jared sitting their looking increasingly concerned, it's hilarious. :D

It's great, isn't it? I've been wanting to see that for months... ever since Jensen confirmed that the whole outtake would be on the season 7 DVDs :).

Right, I must post! SPNNNNNNNN. Season eight approaches, and I have some serious catching up to do... query, how do you usually watch SPN? When it's ( ... )


fiwen1010 September 26 2012, 16:53:18 UTC
I am not back at uni! This is very weird! I am also trying and failing to get a job, but meh. Have you seen the water?


hermitknut September 26 2012, 17:33:28 UTC
*glomps you* It must indeed be weird! And: what water?



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