My last hump day at college

Apr 29, 2004 01:39

This was a long day, but all in all it wasn't a bad day. Was a bit late to work this morning, but no one cared really, since it was another hour before there was anything major to do. After work I went to the library to return some things and borrowed "Talk To Her" and "The Conversation." Back up to campus for screenwriting workshop. Remember the ( Read more... )

assholes, college stuffs

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Comments 6

psupachic April 29 2004, 06:36:02 UTC
I friggin' LOVE that song.


herince_emyn April 29 2004, 08:16:40 UTC
It was in "13 Going On 30" and I had it stuck in my head, so I downloaded it. =Þ


psupachic April 29 2004, 09:24:39 UTC
I'm such a sucker for songs about stealing other people's girlfriends. Some of my favorite songs include that one, Best Friends Girl by the Cars, Dumb Pop Song by LBC, I Want Your Girlfriend to Be My Girlfriend by RBF... just to name the ones I can think of off the top of my head. :-p


herince_emyn April 29 2004, 09:30:08 UTC
I only know 2 LBC songs, and that's one of them. It's a fun song, but I like "Fred Astaire" better. =]


snifty April 29 2004, 11:03:18 UTC
wishing you a MERRY CHIRSMTMAS!


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