
Oct 15, 2008 20:44

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bored, nerd

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Comments 11

grosely_clerx October 16 2008, 05:14:02 UTC
Is that Harold on the far right, background?


hellblazer October 16 2008, 13:10:45 UTC
It certainly is.


grosely_clerx October 17 2008, 06:40:48 UTC
They cast Simon Pegg as Scotty?!!


hellblazer October 17 2008, 13:26:07 UTC


david_chunn October 17 2008, 04:08:20 UTC
Um, what is it?


hellblazer October 17 2008, 13:22:04 UTC
It's the first pic from the new Star Trek movie coming out next summer. They're redoing original Trek.


david_chunn October 17 2008, 17:10:52 UTC
Ah, so they've finally realized the franchise is stagnant. Bring on the remakes!


hellblazer October 17 2008, 17:21:00 UTC
God, don't even get me started. I could go on at length about the ways in which the Star Trek franchise is/was stagnated, and the very easy things they could have done to fix it, and the very obvious opportunities they had to do so, all of which were either ignored, which is bad, or implemented very poorly, which was Enterprise.

Actually, I probably will go on at length about that at some point in the near future. So I guess I should get a better Trek icon.


david_chunn October 17 2008, 04:08:45 UTC
Whatever it is, Joe Biden will so kick its ass.


grosely_clerx October 17 2008, 06:38:21 UTC
I think it's some reimagining of Star Trek TOS.

With James Van der Beek as Kirk. Or something.


Hey, now. hellblazer October 17 2008, 13:25:42 UTC
Honestly, that's not a bad idea. I think I could buy The Dawson as Kirk.


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