What I've learned from High-fucking-School:
7 -10 out of the 230 people in your grade will end up by your side when shit gets rough.
7 - 5 out of the 230 people in your grade will stand up for you; be it rumours, family problems, or a hot girl on girl fight.
5 - 3 out of the 230 people in your grade will stay on the phone to hear you cry about family
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Comments 4
no matter what even if we stop talking or don't say hi to eachother when we see eachother (LOL)
you know i'm always here to listen to all your stories or beat any dumb girl up for you =)
that means the world to me you dont even know.. people have been dirtbags to the max and omg.. im so happy that people still havent lost that real, "down to earth" feeling. and girl, you got it !
same goes here!
btw, i know a perfect ccatch up event.
actually 2
one is my debut, and the other is the MMVAs :D?
hahah i wanted to go to the MMVAs but i didnt know how to get tickets and awww whens your debut! i think i'll buy you liquor hahah as a present!
& definetly you are down to earth as well
we need more people like us in the world.
BTW, are you going to Marre's 1st birthday?
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