You Have The Right... (open tag Peter)

Jan 20, 2009 12:37

When you were arested, and she'd learned this from experience, you had a right to remain silent - but she didn't have the ability. Harley was rarely quiet, and more rarely than that, still. She was a never ceasing whirlwind of energy that gave some people a headache after a while ( Read more... )

rangeman, streets, peter bishop

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190_iq January 20 2009, 22:37:39 UTC
At first glance, people might have thought Peter's constant errands for his father was sweet, but the truth was he didn't do them for Walter. He did it for him. Going out and getting whatever whim his father was on at the very moment meant a half hour by himself and sometimes he needed that. It also helped cut down on Walter's fits.

So he was, at the moment, heading for the candy store. He was on a mission for red and yellow Jelly Beans and absolutely no blacks ones. Hopefully the store had a bin where he could pick and choose.


right_a_roonie January 20 2009, 22:41:05 UTC
She was on the way to the news paper office to put in an ad, and wasn't paying any attention at all to where she was going.

Which was when she walked into him. Or skipped...


190_iq January 21 2009, 00:29:03 UTC
At the impact he closed his eyes and turned around to see who it was. "You know," his eyes fell on the somewhat cute blonde. "I feel like maybe I should invest in some blinking lights for my back or something."


right_a_roonie January 21 2009, 00:32:41 UTC
She giggled, and then slapped a hand over her mouth eyes going wide expressively saying 'oh no' though she didn't speak.


190_iq January 21 2009, 00:51:22 UTC
"Right." Peter looked at her. She was definitely a curious one. "Apology completely forgiven. Seriously. Don't mention it."


right_a_roonie January 21 2009, 01:16:38 UTC
She giggled again and scrambled to her feet, stared at him. She totally shoulda brought a note pad or something.

She shrugged, 'sorry'.


190_iq January 21 2009, 02:15:45 UTC
Peter watched her with vague fascination. She obviously wasn't deaf, since she giggled and responded to him. He looked her over again, carefully. "Okay, let's try something else then." He signed the question 'Are you alright' skillfully with his hands and then looked at her to see if she understood.


right_a_roonie January 21 2009, 02:22:08 UTC
She cocked her head, eyes following his hands and then looked back at him and shrugged.

Then she pointed to her slightly open mouth, pantomimed zipping it closed, padlocking it and throwing away the key.


190_iq January 21 2009, 02:28:21 UTC
Okay, so not a mute either. "Your lips are sealed." Which was only a half question to the actual action and more a question as to why.


right_a_roonie January 21 2009, 02:37:34 UTC
She nodded enthusiastically, actually bounced a little. Her lips were in fact sealed.

He was smart. She opened her mouth to tell him so and clapped a hand over her mouth just in time.


190_iq January 21 2009, 03:57:43 UTC
Peter looked her some more in silence. It was sort of like the exact opposite of Walter, who couldn't shut up. "Do you do this regularly or am I just a privileged individual?"


right_a_roonie January 21 2009, 04:15:47 UTC
She thought about it, the process clearly delineated on her face and then shrugged.

She shook her head, no she didn't do it often. She bit her lip and then held up three fingers.

Three words. One finger, then to her ear. Souds like.

Grinned and pointed at a tooth.


190_iq January 21 2009, 05:11:01 UTC
"Charades. Great." Charades was like the parlour-game version of trying to decipher his father's babbling. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other while watching her. Sounded like tooth. Peter went through the various words, then finally crossed his arms. "Booth? Truth?"


right_a_roonie January 21 2009, 05:18:05 UTC
She bounced and nodded at the second word.

Then she held up three fingers, third word. She raised her arms over her head, like claws and made a big growling face and stalked toward him.


190_iq January 22 2009, 03:41:44 UTC
His eyebrows raised. "Bear? Scare?"


right_a_roonie January 22 2009, 03:45:38 UTC
She nodded, he was on the right track, and pointed at her ear - sounds like bear or scare.

And it went with Tooth.



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