Feb 14, 2013 12:37

SHIT YEAH, A ROMCOM FICATHON. ON VALENTINE'S DAY! Could I be more cliche? (Spoiler alert: the answer is always yes, yes, I can be.) BUT! ANY EXCUSE FOR MAKE OUTS, RIGHT?


1. While yes, it's posted today, there's no real time frame for this. I just wanted to be as corny as possible.

2. You may ask: What is a romcom, really? WHAT A GOOD QUESTION! Now, according to wikipedia a RomCom or ~Romantic Comedy~ is:

a) A love story that ends happily; handily put for you in the banner as well, ;).

but also:

b) A love plot in which two sympathetic and well-matched lovers are united or reconciled.

and they usually have a Meet Cute, which generally a cute but awkward first interaction between your characters. So there! Romcom, the super sparks note version!

So there you go! Those are your vague and pretty wide criteria when thinking about this ficathon, prompting or writing. We all generally want our character to end up happily together, with a well time music cue and fade to black anyway, don't we? (Unless the fade to black cuts out more cuteness and the sex and then the fade to black suck ass.)

3. Normal prompt rules apply! Prompts should contain the following format: Ship (optional) + prompt (not optional!), per comment! AUs are of course welcome!

EG: Lois Lane/Clark Kent, gonna show you the world shining shimmering splendid! OR Lois Lane/Clark Kent, Coffee Shop AU, omg i'm sorry did i burn you?

4. Normal prompt fill rules apply too! Title, character/ship, rating. Since there's no more subject line at LJ just... bold at the top of your fill. If your fill gets to long feel free to link back to your own journal post. Multiple fills are allowed too! And remember to add your subject line/bolded bit.

Don't forget to comment on the "filled" thread!

5. maybe the most important rule of all: PLAY NICE, PEOPLE! It's freaking Valentine's Day and poor old St. Valentine didn't die so we could all be dicks to each other. He died so we could all touch each other's junk, CONSENSUALLY! /penis joke!

now it's time for some:


fandom: creative whims

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