mucho tv

Oct 16, 2009 14:46

Big ass post about shows. I caught up on a lot of stuff and then watched a lot more stuff. There was good, bad and whatever the hell is in between.

Glee )

tv: dollhouse, tv: glee, reax, tv: fringe, tv: gateverse, oh show!, tv: flashforward

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Comments 15

xfirefly9x October 16 2009, 14:04:50 UTC

Have to agree with you on Dollhouse. Whiskey was #1 before Echo for damn good reason! *nods*


hariboo October 16 2009, 15:52:45 UTC
Exaclty. Whiskey >>> Echo.


xfirefly9x October 16 2009, 15:55:12 UTC
Indeed.. much as I do love Eliza.


risti October 16 2009, 14:10:36 UTC
Somehow, with Glee, it's like if I stop to think about it, I can't think of why I love this show despite, and even for it's absurd plotlines, but while I'm watching (or fangirling, which I've been doing an obscene amount of lately), I just forget about all of that and spend my time loving the show. (This week I was laughing right up until I was crying over a freaking Avril Lavigne song.)

I found myself Not Caring all that much during last week's SGU, although I'm still holding out hope for Dollhouse...


hariboo October 16 2009, 15:57:28 UTC
That the same thing with me and Glee, while I'm watching it its like crack, I can't look away even when I want to. I love how the use the song, even if I thought the wind machine during "No Air" was LOLworthy.


angelqueen04 October 16 2009, 14:19:36 UTC
*giggles* Oh, so true, Arthur will always have Merlin. Unless of course Merlin gets a girlfriend of his own and she sticks him in a tree, thereby separating him from Arthur and making Arthur and the gang get on their oh noes! faces and be all sad and stuff. But let's hope it doesn't go there. Because Arthur needs his Merlin. ;D

I am a huge hug person too, for which I also blame Sparky and DV. Heh, those two couples make me go nuts over hugs, because there is SUBTEXT THAT IS PRACTICALLY TEXT in those hugs. :D So Morgana tackles Gwen all, "Oh thank god you're back I don't have to live with just a pack of idiot males and you're so awesome and I WUV you!" and I squeak like a huge squeaky thing. *bg*


hariboo October 16 2009, 16:16:22 UTC
Same coin, after all! Let hope, myths are myths for a reason! *denial land* Arthur can't live without his Merlin. It's practically canon. And this tree thing clearly can't happen because of that.

Sparky and DV completely spoiled me for hugs. They just did it so well with the clinging and the love fuelling the clinging. Morgana and Gwen have officially join the club of Ships By Hugs. (Why don't I have an icon of any of these hugs anymore!!)


spiletta42 October 16 2009, 14:29:54 UTC
I'm loving Merlin, but Arthur feels a little off to me this season, like he forgot all of his season one development. Everyone else has been fantastic, though, and I'm of the belief that you can't have too many versions of the Camelot legends.

I'm also loving Dollhouse, but while I very much do care about Echo's development, I agree that less Claire is definitely a shame. Paul's moment in retrieving Kiki!Victor was completely awesome, but Echo overpowering her imprint to tell those women to kill her was my favorite part. Sure, that's almost a cliche on shows where some form of possession is possible, but usually the possessed person is telling someone they love to kill them, this was different.

So, Flash Forward, then? I didn't read what you said, but if a few more people with great tastes call it awesome, I'm going to have to check it out.


hariboo October 16 2009, 16:21:20 UTC
I agree about Arthur, he has seemed a little too prattish considering all the growth from the last season, but at the same time, he's dealing with emotion he can't fully embrace so him reverting back about ten years of maturity kinda makes sense. He's emoing, but so prettily.

I do agree that Echo asking the other women to kill her was a nice twist, but the fact that I didn't care if they did or didn't speaks out to me more. I just didn't care about her and her struggle right then. In the end the majority of the episode passed me by in a haze only broken by Victor's dance and Paul's hair patting. Flash Forward is very awesome!


spiletta42 October 16 2009, 16:25:04 UTC
Yeah, I've found that the way Dollhouse works, different pieces speak to different viewers, even more so than with other shows. I'm sure I'm in the minority for enjoying the warped and skeevy Chaucer discussion, but it was very clever.


(The comment has been removed)

hariboo October 16 2009, 16:23:45 UTC
HEEE! It was the first thing I thought of! *G* Part of me expects the giant marshmallow man to make a cameo. ITA about Glee, the music just wins me over in the end.


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