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Comments 28

eviljellybean88 September 9 2010, 07:31:55 UTC
alright! now i'm convinced that you're stealing dreams from me! *pouts*

alcoholic slime?! wow...just wow, your brain=idek

carmen san diego FTW!!! :D


hardysmidgen September 9 2010, 12:32:30 UTC
Convinced I'm hogging all the BTR dreams from everyone? XDDD I have no control! *gravels*

I don't even know...I--I have no idea. I'm going to blame Nick's sliming habit and the fact that I saw a picture of a friend drinking a green drink that looked like Nick's slime last weekend. XD

YES!! The theme song's been stuck in my head since last night.


eviljellybean88 September 10 2010, 00:29:52 UTC
you need an AA group for BTR dreams *nods* XD

i remember watching that when i was little in the 90's lol XD


hardysmidgen September 10 2010, 12:54:53 UTC
I do. I had another one last night. *head desks* Well, it wasn't BTR-themed, and only one member showed up, but still. XD

Me too! :) I miss those old shows. How about the Temple (of Doom?) challenge show? Do you remember that one?


(The comment has been removed)

hardysmidgen September 9 2010, 13:56:39 UTC
I DON'T KNOW! :o It's been a fairly recent phenomenon. I know what you mean about the snippets, though, because that's usually more par for the course with me, too. Like, I can recall little visual flashes from a dream last night, but nothing cohesive or anything concrete.

I don't know if writing about the vivid ones I did remember has helped me ingrain them better or what, but I really hope it continues. I don't want to jinx it. XDDD It just makes me wonder--how weird are the ones I can't remember? XD

*is really happy people remember Rockapella* XD I can't stop singing the theme song now. It's been stuck in my head ever since I wrote this entry!


chiara_suzuka September 9 2010, 18:07:35 UTC
OMG the nostalgia Rockapella and "Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?" is making me feel right now. Good times. I loved that show. (I've now found the song on YouTube and am listening to it. ^^)

You have the greatest dreams, you really do. And this dream might have a bit prescient...I was on iTunes looking up all the free downloads and there was a free song available from none other than:

... )


hardysmidgen September 9 2010, 18:25:48 UTC
You win life. You really, really do. Stop being so cool. You're making the rest of us look bad. XD

Ahhhh, it's thoroughly stuck in my head now! One of my friends actually saw Rockapella perform live once. :) I don't know when or where though. The live vid I watched was from Bethlehem, PA though, so woot.

OMG, what is up with all of my dreams having something to do with something you or I, or both of us, will be doing just a little bit later?! *shakes fist in the air*

OK...I love that you randomly got a single from some guy named James. I'm supposed to interview someone named James soon. XD Secondly, I laughed way more than I should have when I read Top James...followed by "Laid" and "Laid." XDDDDD James sooooo tops. ♥


chiara_suzuka September 9 2010, 22:56:10 UTC
I'm making you look bad?! I'm learning it all from you. *bows down deep* You are the queen my dear!! ^_^

OMG I forgot that James' top song was "Laid"! FTW. It's a sign. It has to be. The song I got for free ("Crazy") isn't too bad, actually.

I'm telling you, ever since I saw Inception my dreams haven't been the same. I'm also living with a more-than-welcome overload of pop culture thanks to you which has been a wonderful influence, too.

Whatever it is we're doing, I hope we keep it up because then our dreams can come true! Especially the BTR related ones. You know the ones I mean. XD


hardysmidgen September 10 2010, 12:56:59 UTC
I think James and Logan take the title of queen over me, buuuuuuuuut, I'll graciously accept any bestowals from Miss Awesomesauce.

Ahahaha, yes it waaaaas. Now I kind of want to hear it. XD

I'm afraid of what Inception would do to my dreams, then. :o Hahahaha, I'm overloading you on pop culture? How so? Why am I so gleeful about this? XD

Mwahahahaha. Yes, I DO know which ones you mean. Speaking of dreams, last night = Logan + motorcycle. XD


shadowlev September 9 2010, 22:57:18 UTC
You have the most epic dreams ever, I only dream about creepy things...

I would pay good money to watch Logan and James perform together while being hosed down with alcoholic green beverages in white clothing. Too bad it would only be legal in Nevada.

lol, when I first read the part about Logan falling off a stage to break his arm, I freaked and went to go check on twitter, then got sucked into deepthoughtswithJamesDiamond on tumblr. SO, I have you to blame for that one


hardysmidgen September 10 2010, 13:05:26 UTC
I'm grateful to my subconscious for keeping the creepy to a minimum, though it EXCELS in strange...if I had any control, there would be a lot more James/Logan sexing happening in these dreams. XD

Too bad it would only be legal in Nevada.

BWAHAHAAHAHA! XD OMG! That was amazing. Well played.

Oh geez! I'm sorry if I didn't make it clear that he hadn't actually fallen off the stage. I was just thinking about how wangsty it would be if he did...whoops. Haha, I enjoy being directly or indirectly to blame for BTR or BL related things. XD Deep Thoughts is addictive: "I mean, I like my Sketchers, but I LOVE my prada backpack." XD


shadowlev September 10 2010, 20:53:32 UTC
I think we all would want more Jogan sexing happening in our dreams...

LOL, prada backpack ^_^ When I read the "Did you know dolphins are just gay sharks" glee parody one, I couldn't stop laughing because it is such a James lines like "Pour flour and yeast into the well and bake at 400 degrees until everybody rises"


hardysmidgen September 10 2010, 21:55:37 UTC
Ahahaha, yes, the gay sharks comment was very much like the actual James moments in the series. I loved when he suggests baking bread to save everyone stuck in the well...and that James knows how to bake bread. XD


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