30 Days with BTR: Day 26

Aug 26, 2010 23:57

 I mustache you a question...]
[music: Darren Hayes - Pop!ular]

Day 26 - Your Favorite BTR Interview - Mutant ants bring out the sparkle!

This was a difficult question because I love so many of the interviews for different reasons. Some are barely a minute, others are up to twelve, but nearly all of their interviews have fascinating, amusing, or compelling moments (many times, all three). I selected the interview the boys conducted with J-14 in a New Jersey park for a slew of reasons. First and foremost, it's fittingly comedic. Both the fun, endearing side of the guys and their camaraderie are on display. We hear from all of the boys, and each one has a chance to showcase their personality as an individual and within the group dynamics.

As for the image above, there are scarcely words for how much I love it. It's sampled from the photoshoot accompanying the interview I selected. I remember my outright glee when happening upon it, overwhelmed by Logan's hand placement and cozy leaning. Logan's fingers curling into James's bicep? Guh. From a photographer's point of view, the placement keeps it from blocking Logan's face, but seeing how free range their other photo shoots are (little direction) and Carlos being in mid motion, this might have been Logan's idea. My favorite element of this photo is Logan firmly placing both hands on James, pressing his chest to James's arm and in effect putting his own arms around him. The snapshot was veritably dripping with shippiness. I felt like they could just as easily have been reading through their joint Christmas cards. Oh look, Logan, Sally and Joe sent us one with the kids! How precious!

A smattering of my favorite interview moments include:

• James's outfit. Not only do we have a ticket to the gun show, we're also treated to Pecs of Thor and a slice of washboard thanks to ants (more on that later). The black tee is highlighting some serious moobs.

• Tossing the cards with exaggerated sound effects when they finished answering a question.

• James being bossy to Logan about reading the questions correctly: Who's it from? Who's it from?

• Kendall getting a "I have to set the record straight" smirk, then raising his hand with the best "Can I just say?" expression when interrupting to point out that he was the only member of Big Time Rush to show up to the Big Time Rush vs. True Jackson baseball game.

• James and Logan concurring with one another that it takes forever to drive anywhere in LA because they keep having Titanic-inspired sex in the backseat instead.

• Everyone teasing each other non-stop the entire time. From Kendall's snarky "Maybe we'll get all four of us there next time" to Logan's "Ah, take forever!" the lighthearted barbs are flying fast and furious. Perhaps the best moment was the three boys mimicking Kendall riding on a horse. Logan and James slow gallop in tandem while Carlos envisions a rough, voice-vibrating ride that has everyone in stitches.

• James nudging Logan when it's time for him to speak.

• The "would you date a regular fan" question:
Logan: Well, I hope any girl I dated would be a fan of me...
James: *mega-dorky smile at Logan*  
Logan: So yeah...of course.
James: Moving on.

• Get these motherfucking ants off my motherfucking Carlos!

• Logan nodding emphatically with everything James says and the two agreeing as often as possible. Later in the interview, Logan agrees with James before he even answers the question. Why? Because he already knows the answer. 
James: *reading* What's your favorite song? *looks at Logan, opens mouth*
Logan: *big smile* I agree! Carlos.
Carlos & Kendall: *crack up loudly*
James: *smirks, but pushes on to give an answer* I have to agree with him [Logan] and say "Halfway There" is my favorite song so far.

• Logan and James starting out with a reasonable distance between them and wiggling their way to each other over the course of the interview. Observe.


• The endearing reluctance and awkwardness of the boys to discuss dating, and Carlos trying to rope everyone into it. He gestures to James and Logan with a big smile when chiming in, "I think all the girls want to know." We already know, Carlos, and we'll let them keep their secret for now.  
Carlos: I think all the girls want to know...*gestures to Logan and then to James*
James: Well, it's your question, so you should answer it.
Carlos: I am single.
James: Well, that was eventful.
Logan: *giggles*
Carlos: OK, James, are you single?
James: *half-heartedly* Yeaaah?
Carlos: Well that was event--it's back! *points out that there is now an ant on Logan*

In this moment, Carlos = Doug from UP. "I just met you, but I--SQUIRREL!" Carlos points out the ant is back, James notices it's on Logan (near his ass), and the camera has to cut away to a scene dissolve because it's about to get all molest-y up in this interview! I love how Logan's just nonchalantly looking at his own rear; James is so already reaching for it under Carlos's guidance before they can fully transition the frame...

• What Logan would be doing if he wasn't singing:
Logan: Probably rock climbing...a huge rock...
James: *snorts*
Kendall: But would you climb a small rock?

• The large ants dedication to turning the boys into shrieking sparkle fountains. The ants realize how fun it is to get the boys worked up and refuse to leave the party. I'm glad they stayed because it lead to what is my favorite Kendall interview quote of all time:
Logan: Huge ants.
James: Killer ants.
Kendall: Mutant ants. MUTANT ants. I think maybe it's probably the Hudson. It's probably the Hudson that lends itself to mutant ants.

"Maybe it's probably" = love. Kendall thinking the filthy Hudson creates mutant ants is perfect. I also adore how they just one-up each other about how large the ants are. Kendall shouts "It was the size of my thumb!" in the background at one point. We have ants that large in the attic of one of our work buildings, lying dead in the window sills. *shudders*

• "Is this New Jersey or New Zealand?!" It cracks me up every time. XD Logan knows something about New Zealand's ant population that I don't. New Zealand doesn't even know; it only knows that it used to be overrun with orcs, and somehow that cleared up after some very small people took a trip through the mountains with a bit of bling. I am aware, however, (I can't speak for New Zealand) that there is currently the potential for a worldwide ant colony because of the way colonies keep expanding, and the weird ways in which this could effect how they identify each other vs. rival colonies. Yes. That just happened. I am that much of a nerd. You're welcome.

it's fandomly delicious, btr, man love, memes, jogan: james x logan

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