30 Days with BTR: Day 6

Aug 06, 2010 00:05

[music: Clay Aiken - Invisible]

Since I'm going to be without internet access for most of the day Friday, I'm doing my Day 6 meme entry as it draws nigh to midnight. I'm heading up to New York with a group of friends to see Clay Aiken and Ruben Studdard in concert tomorrow, then hitting a campground for the evening. So, Saturday will be my day to catch up on replying to LJ comments and to update you with all the details of any shenanigans we stir up!

Day 6 - Your Favorite James Scene: All of them. No, really. James is outhandsomed. That's possible?

When it comes to James, the scenes are outrageous, campy, and utterly delightful. He knows how to play over the top, and he does it with pizzazz. There are so many epic moments, it's hard to know where to begin, but when it came to choosing a favorite James scene, I knew it would come from "Big Time Jobs." Once again, I thought back to my first reaction when it came to picking which scene to feature from the two I was considering.

The other scene in question was mirror!James having a conversation with James about his elbow in relation to a modeling job. Yes, that is as freakishly amazing as it sounds. The reason I decided to go with this scene, however, was the ridiculous amount of joy it gave me when I first saw it. I remember texting my friend Serenity, who has never even seen this show, "Oh my God, fabulous!bitchface was just handsome-ed into fainting by other men!"

Why I super-mega love it:

James arrives at a modeling audition for the cosmetic line Cuda. He's pumped and confident, only to realize that there are more than a dozen very attractive men in the waiting room dressed exactly the same as him. My giddiness at "Whoa, lots of handsome!" was already spiking. Then, he fans himself a little and tries to pose off with them, engages in a little voguing only to become overwhelmed at the "I am sex" poses all of the other guys are throwing his way.

He starts to stagger, dizzy as he manages "Too...much...handsome...," and collapses to the floor with one last plaintive cry of "Too much face!" before passing out. Did that just happen? Yes, that really just happened, no need to adjust your computer monitor. A group of very attractive male models made James faint with their handsomeness. Ah, canon homoeroticism at its finest. The models might as well have been shooting rainbow beams out of their bodies ala Care Bears. *re-imagines James's "too much face" wail in the Dark Heart kid's voice and totally loses it* Do you guys remember that? The original 80s Care Bear movie with the red-haired kid at camp possessed by Dark Heart, who could shape shift into foxes, alligators, and the like? Wow. From BTR to Care Bears in the space of a sentence. Awesome.

it's fandomly delicious, btr, man love, memes

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