30 Days with BTR: Day 4

Aug 04, 2010 21:35

[music: Dr. Horrible & Penny - My Eyes]

Day 4 - Your least favorite episode: Big Time Party

It was between "Big Time Party" and "Big Time Sparks" for this question. Much like the least favorite character question, there has not been an episode of Big Time Rush to date that I have disliked. There has been something enjoyable in every single one, and the episode I finally decided to go with is no exception. Big Time Party is the birth of some great quotes:

1) James: "We're teenagers. If we don't party, we could die."

2) James: "I can't hear you; we're dancing into a tunnel!"

3) Not to mention the terrific "Hollywood Super Party Kings of Hollywood" phrase, which I love mostly for the two lines that follow:

James: Before you know it, we'll be known as the Hollywood Super Party Kings of Hollywood!
Logan: You said Hollywood twice.
James: [in his lower mirror!voice] You bet I did.

The way James delivers the line in his low "mirror voice" (the pitched-down voice he uses when his reflection is talking back to him) is wondrous. Don't ever say narcissism can't be fun (and hilarious).

So, why did I decide on this as the least favorite episode despite the fun quotes?

Because it focused on developing relationships I have never found particularly engaging. We delve more into Kendall and Jo's interest in each other. Aside from amassing a party crowd and Gustavo's failing party, the other main focus was Camille and Mercedes getting back up in Logan's business. While amusing at times, they are also relationships I'm not invested/interested in seeing more of or learning more about.

"Big Time Sparks" also tipped the scale in their favor by:

1) Carlos launching a cat through the air onto Jordin Sparks face.
2) James cursing leprechauns.
3) Phil Lamar making an exceedingly corny appearance that brought me back to his early Mad TV days and role on The Weekenders.
4) Freight Train lying in wait in the office, wherein he squishes the boys up into his arms in the most massive group hug west of the Mississippi.

it's fandomly delicious, btr, memes

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