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Comments 20

eviljellybean88 September 9 2012, 02:00:17 UTC
god damn! it looks like torres is trying to hump the grass XD

theirs is really a love story for the ages, it seems like there are these love stories all over the place now and they all are just so wonderful :D


hardysmidgen September 9 2012, 19:09:59 UTC
Bless the photographer who took that photo. It's one of my favorites of Torres--the grass caked to his skin, the sweat in his hair, the pose, that peach ass, and the way his jersey has ridden up to show a swath of skin. Gah.

theirs is really a love story for the ages

Beautifully, beautifully said. :)

it seems like there are these love stories all over the place now and they all are just so wonderful :DPerhaps it's because people are finally feeling able to tell them? I sometimes wonder how many of these stories have gone untold over the years. Countless many, I'm sure ( ... )


eviljellybean88 September 10 2012, 02:35:37 UTC
it really is such a lovely pic lol i'm sure the photographer didn't have any ulterior motives at all XD

it just breaks my heart to wonder how many couples over the years have had to keep it secret b/c society doesn't approve :(

i really think we're moving forward and i hope some day soon players will feel comfortable to be able to show who they really are.


hardysmidgen September 11 2012, 14:19:34 UTC
it just breaks my heart to wonder how many couples over the years have had to keep it secret b/c society doesn't approve

So true. Civilization goes in these cycles of making gains, then lapsing back from being more tolerant or even celebratory of differences during certain time periods to thriving on hate again (just look at the candidates seeking to remove established protections even now!)--so many people have been forced to live double lives or shroud themselves in secrecy in an attempt to live the life they want to live--where they aren't forced to sacrifice love for career, family, or status. And sadly still do. I hope we keep moving forward and stop back sliding--that we can get to a point soon where people feel they can be honest about that without worrying about how it will affect them negatively.


ichbinichtot September 11 2012, 14:42:22 UTC
That's an amazing analysis, and I particularly enjoyed the pictures that came with it.
It does need an update, though. Sergio's last tweet with a pic with Fernando was such great news, that I squealed like an idiot when I first saw it (and mind you, the tweet with the picture came after the tweet you talked about, in which Sergio says: manana mas, as in "tomorrow more"... that must be a sign).
I'd love to read your thoughts on the matter, and it would also be nice if you were to make more posts about them (with pics.. I love Sernando pics!). I'm already falling in love with you after this one, it was such an enjoyable read.


hardysmidgen September 12 2012, 15:56:31 UTC
Oh wow, I'm so, so happy to hear that you enjoyed reading it; I had so much fun putting it together! :)

It does need an update, though.

I actually did do an update as part of a regular Monday posting I do called ManLove Monday because, as you said, that photo of Sergio and Fernando was AMAZING; you can read it here if you'd like! :) I think it was a brilliant move, very deliberate without being too obvious. Sergio can have the "tomorrow more" mean simply updating again the next day as a nice surface reading, while the unnamed dedication stands without being clarified and the content of the next tweet echoes the dedication: He literally has Fernando in his arms... It was such a clever wink-and-a-nod because it leaves wiggle room should someone with the power to stir trouble had a sharp eye while seeming very coded and intentional to people reading the body language.

it would also be nice if you were to make more posts about themHaha, uh oh, you're encouraging the Sernando muse! I will definitely be making more posts dedicating to ( ... )


innocence8 September 11 2012, 16:35:13 UTC

can i link this post on tumblr, with credits obv??? i loved it. i really loved it! and thank you because you're amazing, this post is amazing! <3


hardysmidgen September 12 2012, 16:11:13 UTC

ACCURATE. I actually teared up when I saw the photo of them together (and was so moved over the joyous, casual intimacy that I ended up having to make to post about that, too XD).

can i link this post on tumblr, with credits obv???

You liked it that much?! Oh wow. Yes, linking to the entry would be fine, and thank you so much for asking first! :) Links are cool with me because they tend to preserve credit easily / better than re-posting the entry elsewhere. I'm happy to share the love, and I certainly welcome any Sernando folks from Tumblr wandering over here to say hi!

i really loved it! and thank you because you're amazing, this post is amazing! <3
I'm so ridiculously happy to hear that you enjoyed reading this post so much, thank you so much for taking the time to read it, and I hope you'll pop back in to squee with me on future Sernando-ing, too! :) ♥


hardysmidgen September 21 2012, 17:09:32 UTC
If you do decide to link it, would you please post the link to your tumblr post here, too? I'd love to see your blog! :)


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hardysmidgen September 14 2012, 19:09:12 UTC
You are one of the best historians of Sernando, ever

Now you've got me wishing Sernando historian was a real occupation! Haha, thank you so much, and I'm thrilled to hear that you enjoyed reading this post. :)

Oh dear! I hope I didn't distract you from your studies too much. Oh yes, I completely understand the intense craving not to miss a single Sernando moment. OK, the first photo is Sergio leaning forward to speak to Fernando in the club (the best photo, and I can point you to it online if you haven't seen that one). The others are Fernando and Sergio leaving that club and climbing into a van. It's just Sergio's ass and the back of Fernando's head plus some random people who look to be either fans snapping photos or people ushering them out of the club. I tried to locate those online again, but haven't been able to get them to turn up again, however I know I saved them, so if you'd like, I could upload them.


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hardysmidgen September 18 2012, 17:15:55 UTC
I'll dig them up and upload them, then! :)


chiara_suzuka September 13 2012, 12:40:42 UTC
So apparently, I did read this but never commented on it. *fail* I think I read it during lunch at work. This post is a great analysis of their relationship. And if they weren't obvious before, after reading this how can one not see what is between them? Honestly.

Also, you choose the best photos. I swear it looks like Fernando is making love to the ground or he wants to. XD Though I don't know that I ever saw the last photo with their arms around each other. <3

Stronger than diamonds is right!

Random aside but kind of connected: I thought of you when reading a tennis article where someone whose name I can not recall but who is a famous Brit politician person spoke of how it's been a great summer for Olympic sports with: Chelsea winning the Champions League (yay Fern!), Wiggins winning the Tour de France, the fantastic showing for team GB at the Olympics and Murray winning the US Open. I loved that they included Chelsea ^__^


hardysmidgen September 18 2012, 17:55:08 UTC
So apparently, I did read this but never commented on it.

Haha, I thought maybe you didn't read it (or thought you already had) because you heard some musings via texts the night I uncovered it. XD Regardless, I'm glad you popped in to read it and enjoyed! :)

I tried to keep myself focused on analyzing "Heaven" in regard to Sernando without delving into other facets / moments unless they were important as background (e.g., briefly explaining the Sernando ring). I feel like I could write analysis of them all day if I had the chance, haha!

Selecting photos was so fun, though it delayed the process of getting this up since I was getting distracted by my options. I selected a range of years because I wanted some youth photos peppered in to discuss the tone-setting opening lyric and its strong indication of referencing Fernando. Oh yes, that last photo was from the mop top days, and this was one of my favorite moments.

I loved that they included Chelsea ^__^Haha, well, I'd wager the only place it'd be an unexpected inclusion would be ( ... )


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