Ok, just a little freaked out. Just a little. Earlier today I had to run, yes RUN home (in heels) from the chem-phys building to print of a lab report due only a half an hour later. That wasn't fun but that's not the main story. When I get back I see my old TA from organic lab. I had the same one for both 1 and 2. So now I'm home getting ready to
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Comments 1
B) It's totally creepy - but at least you didnt have two TA's freaking you out... one of mine IMed me and said "this won't affect your grade but I have a question for you"... he wasnt asking me out, but weird enough that he IMd me. The other was trying to figure out if I was dating the guy I sat next to and if we were both graduating or not. Both of which were WHILE I was still in their class. I'm pretty sure one is 23 and the other is 30. Totally. Weird. So yeah, I feel your pain...
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