Fannish end of year memes + Snowflake

Jan 03, 2022 14:12

Sorry for the spam -- it's just that between leftover end-of-year memes and Snowflake, there's a lot to catch up on... (It's OK, I'm starting working tomorrow and thus will probably have way less time to post again...)

Fannish end-of-year memes: ( fannish meme #1 )

fandom meme, lj, plan to read, snowflake challenge, year end meme

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Comments 22

meathiel January 4 2022, 08:09:04 UTC
Haha ... I think I've seen "War and Peace" on somebody's LJ before, so you're not the only one.

A non-fiction book written 50 years ago? Phew ... any ideas about that?

I'd totally missed that you read "My grandmother told me ..." - must have been the worst (for me) book I read in 2021. I hated it. Still finished it ... but ... meh ...


hamsterwoman January 4 2022, 15:55:12 UTC
Haha, OK, that's reassuring that I'm not the only one!

A non-fiction book written 50 years ago? Phew ... any ideas about that?

My original thought for this one was The Prince -- I've owned a copy since high school, and have read like two pages of the introduction in that time. And probably I'm never going to be more likely to pick it up than on an Ada Palmer high (Machiavelli is one of her areas of research, in her academic career).

The other one I was idly considering was rereading Farley Mowat's Never Cry Wolf -- I read it in Russian translation as a kid and remember being really into it. I know a lot of the animal insights in that book have been discredited since, but it might still be fine to revisit.

I'd totally missed that you read "My grandmother told me ..."And I apparently missed it on your book lists as well! (maybe if the title was in German? I only skim those...) I think I picked it up purely based on being intrigued by the title, and enjoyed it more than I'd expected -- it reminded me of some other books I really ( ... )


meathiel January 4 2022, 16:58:44 UTC
I only read it because I needed a book with a title with more than 7 characters.
And I did read it in English.
Hated it because of the writing style, I think. I found it super-boring.


hamsterwoman January 4 2022, 17:03:30 UTC
only read it because I needed a book with a title with more than 7 characters.

Ha, yeah, it's hard to beat in that regard! It was my longest fiction title of the year (I had a bunch of other books with 6 word titles, and maybe one with 7, but only 'Grandmother' was longer than that.


zvuv January 4 2022, 13:55:28 UTC
3 days! ha! :)


hamsterwoman January 4 2022, 15:50:18 UTC
I feel personally called out by it being compared to War and Peace... XD


zvuv January 4 2022, 15:55:03 UTC
Several of these had Russian references...


hamsterwoman January 4 2022, 15:56:20 UTC
Yeah, a friend of mine had "climbing Elbrus" as the comparison.

I'm not surprised by the Russian references, it's more that I find Tolstoy and War and Peace specifically deeply boring :P


silverflight8 January 5 2022, 04:11:21 UTC
I've been trying not to rip through the Taltos books too fast. Look, when you hit gold, you can't consume it too fast! Gotta pace myself!

I have gotten bad at journalling. I enjoy your updates, even though I am not following so good anymore (I've gotten bad at checking my flist on lj, I need to tidy it up so I'm only following things I'm interested in, so much extraneous stuff clogging it up right now).


hamsterwoman January 5 2022, 05:35:38 UTC
It is hard to pace yourself through the Vlad books, I find! (Much easier with Paarfi, though, lol)

I found myself falling behind on commenting and sometimes even reading this year, too. I think we can just blame it on the general covid-ness of the year...


blakmagjick January 5 2022, 20:37:33 UTC
It would take people 5 hours to read everything I wrote last


hamsterwoman January 6 2022, 02:37:50 UTC
That's probably a more reasonable range, haha... :)


perpetual January 8 2022, 19:51:03 UTC
Hee! Thanks for not giving up on the Kairos 30 Day Meme. I haven't either, although it's still going to take a lot of work. :)


hamsterwoman January 8 2022, 20:27:08 UTC
I love that meme, and I love the selections I've already made... I just need to somehow figure out a chunk of time to talk about them in a way that doesn't shortchange how I feel about them. Perhaps I should have anticipated that this would be harder to do for 16-30 things than for 1-15 things and yet somehow I did not XD

I'm very glad to hear you're still working on your refresh also!


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