I made it safely home via bike-commute last night, obviously. Had to stop on the pedestrian bridge over I-80 to change a flat (staple! Augh!), and I took a wrong turn on a street inside a neighborhood < 1 mile from my house. Heh. Not bad, considering, though. Looks like (with the revised route I decided on last night) both directions will be right
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Comments 9
Last night's Supernatural was a huge relief, which I really wasn't expecting. Don't want to spoil anyone for the ending, but if you've been dreading it then you most likely will feel major relief when it's over. Regardless of whether you like where S4 ends, trust me-things on the Sam&Dean front are better than we expected.
was an awesome thing to come across this morning. I'd been putting off watching 4x21 until 4x22 aired, so that I'd have at least some kind of closure, and now I've got friends scheduled to come over on Sunday to watch them both. I had even been kind of dreading that, but now I can't wait. No worries about the plot/potential cliffhanger/whatever of the episodes, this is what had me scared. And now I'm not! So yay Kripke, and yay you - thanks.
I'm glad you were pleased to see this-- I truly didn't want to spoil anyone, but I know what people on my f-list have been fearing (to the point where they're many episodes behind, and practically watching through their fingers as it is).
Knowing that we're all "safe," whenever we get to seeing 4x22, is something that I think is important to a lot of people.
Thanks for letting me know it helped you!
Plus, the boys together again and talking for real... *happy sigh* I've SO needed that.
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And I would NEVER do Dean/Cas to you. Never.
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