
May 18, 2011 20:33

After a long day at work.. and not holding down her lunch, - for about a week actually - which she didn't tell Sam because she knew he'd demand that she stay home and get sleep and try to feel better. A friend at work though convinced her she was pregnant and really, that had Quinn's mind tumbling with ideas. She worked in a lawyer's office, was ( Read more... )

[who] dontcrysammy, [what] future verse, [verse] future canon au, [what] closed

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That picture is adorable. Sorry for the tl;dr. dontcrysammy May 19 2011, 13:51:17 UTC
Sam was in love with his job. He could go as far as saying he was in love with life lately. Everything was more or less perfect. He owned his own comic book store, which he considered the best job ever. It kept him feeling young, but that wasn't to say he hadn't grown up. Maybe he was a big kid in a grown man's abulous body sometimes (Quinn's weight was the same and so were Sam's abs), but he could be a mature, responsible adult when he wanted to be. He had his own place with Quinn and he was happily married to the most beautiful woman of all time and space who he loved dearly. There was, perhaps, one thing missing. A baby. Babies, actually, because Sam wanted more than one. But they'd never sat down and had a serious conversation about it, maybe because the B word was a sensitive subject. She had a baby once, then she'd given it away. He knew even after all these years it was still painful for her to talk about. A discussion about having a baby without Beth coming up was out of the question, and he didn't want to upset her by ( ... )


dontcrysammy May 20 2011, 00:27:37 UTC
"But I wanna come. I don't wanna miss anything, no matter how boring it might be." He could get Mike to mind the store. It wouldn't be a problem. He looked relieved when she said she still had an appetite since he was starving too.

"Quinn," he rubbed her belly as he spoke softly to her. "It's not gonna be like the first time. We're not in high school, we've got money, and you're not alone in this. I'm gonna be here to support you and take care of you. You won't have to lift a finger." He needed her to know all that since being pregnant as a teenager must have been so scary, but it didn't have to be this time round.


hadtimeofmylife May 20 2011, 00:55:36 UTC
She looked at him as he spoke, not all that happy he brought up her teenage pregnancy. Thinking about it was one thing, speaking about it another. But.. she was also grateful he did. She was scared because she knew how to take care of her body while pregnant, but planning for a baby was completely different. She knew she was giving Beth up, so baby planning wasn't needed. This time, she had to plan for the baby. Their baby. The little person growing inside her that was part of them both ( ... )


dontcrysammy May 20 2011, 01:26:47 UTC
He hated bringing up the elephant in the room, but it had to be done. For now he was excited about having a baby, but at some point in the future he'd probably have a mini meltdown over the fact that he was going to be a father and be just as scared as she was planning for a baby. It was, after all, a big responsibility ( ... )


hadtimeofmylife May 20 2011, 02:02:43 UTC
She bit down on her bottom lip, grinning. "I know you're way of distracting me can't be a repeat of last night, we wouldn't be done in half an hour. So, what exactly are your amazing ways of distraction?" That grin of hers was the one she always had when she was thinking more than naughty things, but any distraction from him was welcome.


dontcrysammy May 20 2011, 02:20:03 UTC
"That's true." He smiled at the memory of last night. "I was thinking, a little bit of this..." He kissed the spot where her neck met her shoulders. "A little bit of that..." He nibbled at her earlobe. "I could tell you about this graphic novel I've been working on..."


hadtimeofmylife May 20 2011, 02:30:42 UTC
The kiss on her neck had her giggling, the nibble on her earlobe a little noise that said she definitely liked it. "Go on, tell me all about it. I really hope it has nothing to do with last night. I don't think people want to see my ankles on your shoulders." she grinned, teasing him.. in more ways than one.


dontcrysammy May 20 2011, 02:44:03 UTC
"Cheeky. It's not erotica," Sam laughed. "Last night is way too hot to be shared with the comic book world, especially with an audience aimed at teenage boys." Even if it would be a bestseller. He played foostie with her on the bed as he talked. "Well, it's about this group of misfits at high school who like to sing." He knew that sounded all too familiar, so he added with a grin, "Who have superpowers."


hadtimeofmylife May 20 2011, 02:52:36 UTC
She let her hands roam lazily over his shirt, down his arms, over his hands. Hearing about his graphic novel he's been working on, she raised amused eyebrows. "You gave Glee club superpowers, didn't you?"


dontcrysammy May 20 2011, 11:31:51 UTC
"No." He blinked at her innocently, rubbing his foot against her ankles. "Ok, maybe a little, but I changed everyone's names so they wouldn't suspect a thing if it ever got published." Like they wouldn't be able to work it out since he'd drawn the characters a lot like the people they were based on... "Sue's the evil villain who tries to kill them all the time."


hadtimeofmylife May 20 2011, 12:22:19 UTC
She giggled a bit because his foot over her ankles tickled. "Aaaand what superpower did your lovely wife get?" she asked, fluttering her eyelashes at him. "Also, Sue would make a perfect villain. I have no doubt about that."


dontcrysammy May 20 2011, 12:32:13 UTC
As far as everyone's superpowers were concerned, he hadn't thought that far ahead. He'd been busy having far too much fun drawing everyone's superhero outfits, especially Quinn's. But she wanted an answer now, so he'd give her one. "My lovely pregnant wife? The power of seduction."


hadtimeofmylife May 20 2011, 12:35:38 UTC
"The power of seduction? Babe, I don't think that's a power, just a skill," she smirked, poking at his side playfully. His answer though just told her he hadn't thought of powers yet, but his attempt was sweet and adorable.


dontcrysammy May 20 2011, 12:48:12 UTC
"Yeah, you're probably right," he chuckled at her poking. "I'll think of something better for you, I promise. You should see your costume, by the way." He whistled impressively. He was getting hot just thinking about it...


hadtimeofmylife May 20 2011, 12:59:37 UTC
She raised her eyebrows at his whistle, wondering just what her costume looked like. "That skimpy, huh? You're going to need to show me soon, so I can see just how little of an outfit I have. And I want to see everything you have done so far." She loved looking at anything that Sam had drawn and in their years together, she had actually become a little bit of a dork herself, just not nearly as much as him.


dontcrysammy May 20 2011, 13:11:18 UTC
"It's tasteful," he said before she got the wrong idea and thought her character paraded around in a bikini. "Reminiscent of your Cheerios uniform. I'll show you some sketches sometime." He'd been drawing a lot over the years. He liked to think she inspired him and was his muse in a way. Sometimes he liked to wake up early and draw her when she was sleeping. There was a sketch of her from this morning on the bedside table that he forgot to put away. His eyes lingered on it for a moment, wondering if she'd noticed it.


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