Title: I am your rock god
Word Count: 350
Prompt + Side: Hero + Prosecution
Characters: Klavier, Kristoph, Apollo
Any warnings (e.g. NSFW): GS4 spoilers?
Klavier doesn't cope well. He cuts his hair and then lets it grow out again. He stops eating, sleeping, and thinks no one will notice, but people cry at concerts when his fingers tremble on the chords, and one night the guitar slips entirely from his grip, smashes on the stage. He gathers up the two halves and in the falling silence stares out into the crowd. Snaps the last string joining the splintered plastic, or tries to, but finds he doesn't have the arm strength. Slowly he sinks to his knees, and won't be budged, even when his bandmates pack up around him and leave.
He visits Kristoph every day, first in prison, then at the graveyard. He watches Justice a little too closely, and Misham too, when she ventures out of her house. He doesn't know how to kill a man, but it turns out someone he always emulated was quite the expert. At the cosmetics counter, the woman is reading a trashy magazine while he picks over the nail polish display. She doesn't recognize him, but his last concert months ago is still fighting for cover space. The caption: "I feel like I've lost my hero," and a picture of the tearful girl quoted. He remembers the stage pictured behind her, how bright and hot the floodlights, how sweat-slippery his hands.
He goes home and finds that old guitar. Tapes it up clumsily, like a child's attempts at repair work. Sends it to the girl, but not before giving the low E a strum, drawing out a single longing note from the tuneless old string.
Apollo Justice attends his first return concert. Hated the music, likes the new look, he says, when his sister magics them through security and into the dressing rooms backstage. Klavier's put some weight back on his bones; his hair has stopped falling out in clumps. He adjusts his glasses, unabashed, and offers a muted version of his former grin. "Being a role model--" He spots Trucy making a mess of his things, and almost, almost laughs. "What a serious responsibility. I never knew."