*grumbles and smiles*

Jan 29, 2007 11:38

I'm currently at school with a heinous headache and am hella sleepy. Probably gonna be here in work study for an hour or so. Kinda wanted to give a quick update on how things went and or are for those of you I don't see often or ever see ( Read more... )

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Comments 9

mame_snidely January 29 2007, 22:15:00 UTC
She's stupid :/ I hope you don't run into him much, or really at all.

Try aromatherapy, sometimes It's the only way I sleep.


guff_mistress_d January 30 2007, 01:05:25 UTC
I wasn't having issues sleeping, I just didn't sleep good. I honestly believe that it might have to do with the news of his return. I've had nightmares before because I knew he was in town, and the nightmares have allready began again since hearing he's moving back.

And I'm definately thinking about burning more incense or getting some oils. Just really REALLY broke right now heh.


mame_snidely January 30 2007, 02:14:51 UTC
I'm sorry to hear that, I can completely understand the kind of stress having an ex like him in town can bring.

Careful when you pick out your incense/candles/oils to burn/heat. Some have stimulant effects. I recomend mixing your own to avoid that. But, not everything works the same on everyone, so don't go too much by the label. (ie. one 'stimulant' puts me right to sleep)


eltrumpeteer January 30 2007, 17:47:05 UTC
So, are ya'll by any chance on Dark Iron server? I hope so, since it's always more fun to kill people you know :D


guff_mistress_d January 30 2007, 23:22:40 UTC
Nope. I transfered my Undead priest over to Thunderhorn so I could play with Ben. In a lot of ways I'm glad I did it but recently I've come to regret it a little. Met some really cool people on that server though who I do instances with a lot.


eltrumpeteer January 31 2007, 01:31:27 UTC


goddessshaylah February 1 2007, 02:00:10 UTC
*hugs* I'm sorry your ex is moving back to town. Anything I can do to help? I'm sure I've got a shovel around here somewhere... :-)

Just remember the next time you run into him that you have friends who love and care about you.


mame_snidely February 1 2007, 02:06:00 UTC
I think I have a shovel too! How about that?

Wait, what are we doing with these shovels...?


goddessshaylah February 1 2007, 02:25:57 UTC
Why, to bury the body, of course!


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