Coming Soon to a Bookstore Near You...

Aug 09, 2010 20:04

... if you happen to live in Brazil.

September 1 is the official release date for the first Brazilian edition of A GAME OF THRONES, to be published by Leya.

The Brazilian editions will sport the beautiful Marc Simonetti art from the recent French reissues. Just thought I'd give you all a peek:

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Comments 34

maine_character August 10 2010, 02:15:04 UTC
Just mail a box of books to a research team in Antarctica and you'd have more books there than anyone else.


Yeah, the Antarctic Art will be the best 740rs731n August 10 2010, 04:07:15 UTC
of them all.


tsgeisel August 10 2010, 02:20:24 UTC
Is there any way to get a print of that cover? Why does the US get the most stylized covers anyway?


grrm August 10 2010, 02:25:55 UTC
Well, you could try emailing the artist. He has a website.


paperback edition of Leya (Brazil) ext_2735683 September 27 2014, 23:58:51 UTC
The best edition is paperback, in my opinion.


theobstruction August 10 2010, 03:05:31 UTC
He's got a bunch of stuff for sale at DeviantArt. A bunch of Ice and Fire stuff, plus other work.

Hope that helps.


Art k3lit0 August 10 2010, 02:40:12 UTC
Do you know if this cover art will be in the new art book? I have the old one and I was wondering if it'd be worth it to buy the updated one since it's supposed to have some new stuff. If there's a lot of art of this quality, I would definitely be interested.

I hope my comment makes sense.. :)


gabbhh August 10 2010, 02:49:33 UTC
As a Brazilian who's been reading Song of Ice and Fire ever since the books were first released, I'm happy to see them translated into Brazilian Portuguese. Congratulations, George!


tully01 August 10 2010, 03:09:10 UTC
While it's not quite the same as being published in Antarctica, I can attest that a copy of GAME OF THRONES was sold and shipped to a customer at McMurdo Station via the US APO in Sept 1998, and was confirmed rec'd at McMurdo Oct 1998.


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