Title: Tell Me Goodbye (Butterfly contest entry, prompt #1) [1/3]
Rating: NC-17 (I meant it children)
Warnings: Contains material not appropriate for viewers of all ages. Viewer discretion is advised. (sex, violence, suicidal thoughts)
Genre: Angst (AU)
Like a fool, your wounded heart still calls out for him even though his words still ring in your ear as clearly as the lyrics that fill your car on this bleak, depressing day. )
Comments 41
I would like to say so many things but
I actually have no words for this, it's just heartbreaking, and I think it's been a long time since I read a fic this good, I love these kind of fics, sad and heartbreaking, and you wrote it, so i'm happy now and i'm definitely gonna bookmark this, thank you so much for sharing, I hope i'll read more fics like this from you, or is there one that you reccomend me reading?
You do requests? ;)
This is:
First, AU :) So much easier to understand.
Second, I hate you, Jiyong. Please go and die. /fine, not really because Seungri loves you but really, you know? Die.
Third, okay, I forgive Jiyong because he's so sweet to Seungri in real life.
Fourth, this is so heartbreaking. Because it's very descriptive of the characters' emotions, it really got me hooked. And that partt when Seungri got the rings... really, just- why so cruel, Jiyong?
Love works this way. The high of love works for at least 2 years, then companionship, then real love. If you don't survive the years after the high- your relationship is doomed (yes, thanks to David Meyers's Social Psych, I know this.)
ANYWAYS, I think I understand Jiyong a bit, and that makes it even more sad for me. Like, he regrets things, but he doesn;t know how to right his wrongs.
Why are you killing me with angst?
Much ♥
I can't wait for the sequel X_X you should write a teaser lol
i cant forgive jiyong! i cant forgive he rape baby!!
baby will be trauma
jiyong should be suffer n feel seungri's pain, then i will forgive u,jiyong!
i want jiyong suffer >:D
this fic is really angst(that mean is really good =D)
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