Title: Tell Me Goodbye (Butterfly contest entry, prompt #1) [1/3]
Rating: NC-17 (I meant it children)
Warnings: Contains material not appropriate for viewers of all ages. Viewer discretion is advised. (sex, violence, suicidal thoughts)
Genre: Angst (AU)
Like a fool, your wounded heart still calls out for him even though his words still ring in your ear as clearly as the lyrics that fill your car on this bleak, depressing day. )
Comments 41
My heart was crying out for poor RiRi being abused, used & heartbroken by mean stupid jiyong who couldn't just see that the person perfect for him was there all along.
This was so beautifully written i was almost crying (or maybe i was lol). Write more soon! <3
Yay for being a subconscious ninja! LOL
I'm not disappointed at all,it was awesome !The fact that the fic was long please me even more :D
My panda ! D: My god Jiyong is so horrible,I was almost whishing that Seungri find someone else to fix him.I guess Jiyong raped him cause he wanted him too much (loved him too much ?)and couldn't control himself or he would have sleep with any other man...I pity the fiancé lol the day before the wedding ?!Nice one Jiyong ,you're a total asshole XD
Still,I don't understand how he can break Seungri's heart like that :/ (I have huge mothers instincts for Seungri so I kind of wanted to punch jiyong lol)
I love your style,it's so pleasant to read (even thought the angst kill everyone lol).And I love your word "misteress" keke Personnaly ,I would have want Seungri to be Jiyong's misteress :p
Can I ask for a sequel ?*puppy eyes*
Don't worry,I have a fetish for angst :p
Can we vote for severals persons for the contest ?
but it's beautifully written.
and i don't even know what to say other than you did an amazing job with this.
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