toasting everything in sight

Nov 09, 2007 14:46

My god I am tired. So. Very. Tired. And for no good reason. *shrug*

This song [I'm Alright by Jeffrey Foucault], on the other hand makes me indescribably happy. The line about his friends having cars with second gear literally brings tears of joy to my eyes. Every time. I don't know, it's like one of those simple little things that you take for ( Read more... )

jensen, music, songs that make me have feelings, jeffrey foucault, spn picspam

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Comments 12

inimicallyyours November 9 2007, 22:35:47 UTC
*licks screen*

That man, he is just too beautiful sometimes. Like now, for instance.


greenapricot November 10 2007, 14:30:46 UTC
Seriously. It very nearly take my breath away every time I look at that picture.


femmenerd November 10 2007, 10:16:33 UTC
JENSEN. I want to have dirty-hot sEx all over his face.




femmenerd November 10 2007, 10:27:00 UTC
JENSEN. I want to have dirty-hot sEx all over his face.




greenapricot November 10 2007, 14:18:41 UTC
Haha. I like how you're both either posting from one LJ account or the other.

*loves all over you*


greenapricot November 10 2007, 14:20:27 UTC
I also like how you managed to comment twice with the same thing. :)

And I also like you. *mwah*


untitleddemo November 18 2007, 05:42:40 UTC
Hahaha, ohhhh. I cannot believe that I left that comment on your journal. Also, I like how I don't just want to have sex, I want to have sEEEEEEx. And I meant to say his mouth, not his face. Hahaha, ohhhh. Obviously I should not drink and spam.

Also, I have no idea how it commented twice so far apart. Drunken mishap, I guess. I know I didn't type it out more than once. *shrugs* I guess the universe just finds it to be a VERY IMPORTANT statement. True!


femmenerd November 10 2007, 10:30:49 UTC
Oops. You're all deep and shit and we're here watching One Tree Hill vids and contemplating whether we'd rather make out with Jensen or Danneel (Me: Danneell, Jeanine: Jensen).

We love you (and Jeffrey, also we ship him with his wife--he renews our faith in men).


greenapricot November 10 2007, 14:29:39 UTC
Your flailyness makes me happy kind like how the song makes me happy.

I'm going to have to side with Jeanine on the making out, though.

You guys were in my dream last night. I had forgotten that I'd bought a ticket to Chicago this weekend too and when I found it I just jumped on the plane without even bringing a change of clothes. When I got to your place you guys were wearing matching bathrobes (Jeanine's was black and yours was white and they had the same patterns).

We went to s small folk show that had something to do with Jeffrey but wasn't him (a friend of his maybe?). I remember nothing about the show but that it was in a very strangely clean bar. Then Captain Jack Harkness was there (or rather we were somewhere else where he was, possibly in some little used corner of the Tardis) and there was some sort of saving the world from aliens or some such that I don't really remember very clearly. Then we all went to a different bar for more drinks.

The end.



untitleddemo November 18 2007, 05:45:49 UTC
Oh man. This is the Best. Dream. Ever. Lucia and I kept talking about how cute your dream was for the rest of the weekend.

We would totally kick ass and take names and then go out for drinks after. True!

<3's x a billion!


greenapricot November 18 2007, 15:53:56 UTC
The most amusing thing to me about the dream is that I can't remember the actual plot parts but the going to bars part is very clear.

Yes. And really, what else is there to do after kicking ass and taking names anyway.

<3 x a billion and one!

PS do you still want Californication?


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