Title: Cellulose
Characters // Pairings: Namine - Marluxia, Axel, Roxas, Sora, Riku, Kairi // none
Rating // Warnings: G // none
Canon: Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
Wordcount: 168
Summary: Paper can be many things, but at the core it's still just cellulose.
someone like me. )
Comments 4
... until she couldn't be anymore and like totally fixed everything. >.> Like real paper. When if gives you papercuts. 33<
^^ This was wonderful and a perfect... um... what's the word... analogy? Comparison? Whatever, it was still great and packed full of emotion. 3
o-o xDD Yeah, she was like lol nope and like, ran off and stuff. o-o ; Paper cut!
o-o We think it's an analogy. An extended one, for sure. xD; ^^ Thank you Momma.
You stole my heart with that line. right there. <3
<3 Thank you!
xD Appropriate icon is appropriate.
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