Vid: We Carry No Arms

May 30, 2010 18:35

This is for geckoholic

Vidder: Loki
Title: We Carry No Arms
Song: I Gave You All
Artist: Mumford and Sons
Warnings: spoilers up to 5x22
Category: general
Characters/Pairings: Dean, Sam
Summary: "But your tears feel warm as they fall on my forearm, shoulder to shoulder, now brother, we carry no arms." Dean's POV.
Length: 3:50
File Size: 66 MB
Links: YouTube | Download 66 MB
A/N: So...this is the first SPN video I've made in almost 1?5 month. Not sure how (and WHEN?!) did this happen, but it did. I still blame the exams and stress, though.

So, this video is Dean's POV - not sure how did this happen either. It's about his sacrifices for his brother, and how he, no matter what, stayed with Sam. He gave him all and even more, and though they kind of stopped the Apocalypse, they still didn't win. More to say, I think they lost their biggest battle, they lost each other, even if for something good and important.

Hope you'll like this video. It's not something I usually make, but I like how it turned out :)

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Rip the earth in two with your mind
Seal the urge which ensues with brass wires
I never meant you any harm
But your tears feel warm as they fall on my forearm

How can you say that your truth is better than ours?
Shoulder to shoulder, now brother, we carry no arms
The blind man sleeps in the doorway, his home
If only I had an enemy bigger than my apathy I could have won

But I gave you all

I close my eyes for a while
And force from the world a patient smile

But I gave you all
But I gave you all
But I gave you all

But you rip it from my hands
And you swear it's all gone
And you rip out all I have
Just to say that you've won

But you rip it from my hands
And you swear it's all gone
And you rip out all I have
Just to say that you've won

You’ve won

Well now you've won

But I gave you all
But I gave you all
But I gave you all

comment ♥ | take | edit | steal | watch

Thank you :)

vid, vid: supernatural

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