Session Three - After The War Was Over

May 31, 2013 09:07

Adona screamed as her necrotic twin, Anoda, touched her face. Adona found herself in a dark and deathly hall. There she saw twisted yet exquisite visions of death - herself sitting in a bedroom in a blood stained veil and a forest of bones and bleeding lilies. Eventually, she was confronted by a being that was seemingly death itself. He offered her a choice to join with him, so she could fulfil her destiny in bringing down much that was mighty in Creation. She requested more time to consider and a guide to advise her. Death agreed.

Back in Great Forks, the Brotherhood raced to Adona's aid, though Anoda proved elusive as she was persistent. They suffered horrible visions of death from far off times and far away places. All the while, Anoda's flesh grew from her hands up her arms, as Adona's flesh equally retracted. Eventually, Morn called for a coordinated strike at the monstrosity and she crumbled away. Adona returned screaming at Anoda's fading wraith to give her back to herself. She was then carried to her room to rest, but was found shortly thereafter in a pool of her own blood, having hacked her own left arm off.

In the aftermath, the Brotherhood set about to return the city to safety. Whilst dealing with the carcass of Wind that Shreds the Fallen, the Brotherhood suffered a vision of two far away places, a gate in the North and another in the East. In these places, the key that was used to open the Vault, and which the Brotherhood now hold, was used to create great devastation on Creation. Due to his visions from the Calamity Trigger, Cerulean sensed the location of the gate in the East.

Morn approached Blazing Raven to discuss with him any news of his lost father. Blazing Raven confirmed that after leaving his Solar Circle in the North he had encountered a member of the Wyld Hunt matching his description, not far east of Great Forks.

Phonea approached the Three and requested that in exchange for her aid in saving the city, they would grant her the right to host the troops under her command in Great Forks. This would benefit the city, who now lacked a standing force, and also would allow her some freedom to travel on the Reflections to find the Eastern Gate from the vision.


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