fic: Pretty Princess (continued), Boone/Richard, PG

Jul 15, 2009 10:41

oh god, I am so sorry, I am awfully behind on the Luau. But i have bunnies for former Queens, so it might still happen!

first, this is for
janie_tangerine who requested Boone and crossdressing. I had done a drabble in that line of thought back in February (that I included before today's ficlet, for it to make sense)

I got to warn that my porn muse is MIA, so it's unfortunately a bit of a tease. who knows, maybe I'll find the guts to do better than a fade to black real soon!

Pretty Princess (continued), Boone/Richard, 614 words, PG

(original drabble, Feb-15-09)

To be honest, Boone doesn't know if he should be flattered of mortified to feel so many eyes on him. But a bet is a bet and when Shannon points to a man who has eyelashes so long he seems to wear mascara too, Boone smirks and sashays over.

Sitting makes his skirt hike up and Boone smooths it, suddenly modest. When he looks up, the man with the deep brown eyes is smiling at him with interest.

"Can I buy you a drink?"

Oh yeah. Piece of cake.

"Only if you like to be surprised..." Boone answers, playing coy.


This, Boone decides while rubbing very lightly his knee back and forth against Richard's thigh, is unexpectedly fun. And maybe insane. He's past the thrill of doing something reckless to get a second glance by Shannon and well into self-pleasing territory. Somehow, Richard's focused attention makes him feel like the most important person in the room. Maybe the clothes and the make up are changing him into a girl for real because Boone can feel a blush rising with each appreciative glance.

"If you say a corny line about my eyes next, I think I'm going to hit you." Boone teases.

Richard winces but his eyes crinkle with suppressed laughter.

"Not the best idea to tell you that your eyes remind me of the water back home, then?" He asks, mock serious.

Boone laughs, then gives Richard a slight slap on the arm, barely refraining the urge to let his hand linger to feel up the nice hard muscle there.

"No, not really." Even if, well, he's pretty much eating it all up. Boone sips his drink through his straw and watches as Richard dark eyes drop to watch his mouth. He's about to remark that corny lines about his mouth will get him hit again when Boone feels fingertips caressing the skin just at the edge of his skirt. It's like a lightning bolt straight to his dick and Boone swallows carefully not to choke on his Long Island Ice Tea. Richard follows his throat working with a smirk and leans in so close he's all but plastered to Boone's side when he whispers in his ear:

"If I hadn't seen so much, you would have fooled me, Bonnie."

Oh, fuck: busted! But there's no anger or threat in Richard's tone; in fact, his hand slides higher up Boone's thigh, making him shiver.

"Boone, I, huh, my real name's Boone," he confesses to Richard's ear. He resists squirming on his seat, but presses into Richard a bit more and shudders when he feels Richard's other hand rest on his lower back, pulling him even closer. "I didn't.. I mean my sister and I made a bet, but I..."

Richard's breath is hot on his neck.

"Shhh, it's okay Boone, I told you I didn't mind surprises."

Boone nods, relaxing a bit.

"Okay, good. That's good."

Slowly Richard leans away, giving Boone his personal place back except from the fingers lightly tracing pattens until he's back to the knee. Richard smiles, definitely not angry, but then finishes his drink in two gulps and stands up. Boone tries not to look too disappointed as he smiles back, hoping it doesn't look too forced, especially when Richard turns and starts to walk away. He's so embarrassed and halfway hoping the ground will swallow him whole that Boone doesn't quite register at first that Richard has stopped and turned, and is looking at him with raised eyebrows.

"Are you coming?"

Boone thanks his lucky star he doesn't fall flat on his face as he eagerly starts to follow - stupid heels - and Richard grins as he snakes a steadying arm around his waist. He's about to protest that he's fine when he sees Shannon a few tables further, being chatted up by a guy who doesn't realize yet that he's not even registering on his sister's radar. Shannon's looking straight at him with her sore loser's face and makes the hand gesture that concedes Boone won this one.

Boone gives her his best shit eating grin and a tiny wave as Richard leads him towards the back of the bar.

Oh, the sweet taste of victory. And he hasn't even got to the good part yet.

fic, lost fic: boone/richard, lost

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